Wednesday, October 13, 2010

We have a PLUM!

Our baby is the size of a plum right now, has a heart beat of 174 and is just over 2 inches. It's right on track for growth. During the sonogram, Baby Plum did a lot of dancing, turning over and generally showing us a great view of the lungs expanding, the spinal column and its beautiful little feet and hands. It was definitely rockin' and a rollin' in my tummy. Chris actually got a little seasick during the process because the baby was moving so much. 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Breakfast of Champions

I'm still walking up in the middle of the night with morning sickness and going to bed feeling queasy. It's a small price to pay for a healthy baby but I'm looking forward to feeling better. This is what I ate on Friday morning for breakfast. Chris had to go to the grocery store to get me full jars of pickles and cocktail onions but it was definitely a yummy breakfast.