Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Foraging, Gardening and Kissing

I had a modified work week this last week. I stayed home for at least 5 to 6 hours a day and took care of Lily, and gardened up a storm! Behold, the garden trellis I made for our Sugar Snap Peas. They may not grow up to be 32 and appreciate all the work I did but by golly, my belly will when I harvest them in three months. I also planted broccoli, groomed our kale forest down and planted Basil + Rosemary.

 I also had this insane opportunity to go to The Willows Inn for their "First Harvest Dinner." The inn brings in the top chefs from all over the world, forage and fish and harvest everything they can from the island and then make the most elaborate meal (ever, ever, ever). There were 24 courses! I was so lucky that Chris watched BOTH kids for hours and hours. I couldn't get a sitter so Chris was extremely gracious and kind to let me go experience this once in a lifetime experience. There was a waiting list of 1200 people to get into this dinner - and there were only 38 people that got tickets. Thank goodness that the dew was too wet to allow for hay baling and I was the only one that could come on such late notice to cover the missing rancher's plate.

Jamisen got very bold with Miss Eliza Rose and tried to kiss her. She backed way, way far away. She was not having any of the affection. And speaking of no affection, the deers are feeling very lovey dovey towards us and our yellow squash that we clearly planted for them. They ate EVERY SINGLE ONE of them. Those little (swear swear swear words). They couldn't get to the zucchini, primarily because of my neglect in pruning the big leaves from them. Now the stupid deer are just eating the flowers so there will never be another yellow squash ever. Obviously, I will be building a deer fence. And by "I", I mean, I will hire someone to build a deer fence.

Lily went to a fundraiser this week and got the prime spot in the house - in the Mayor's lap. She is quite the natural at politics already.

Lily continues to attend every meeting and comes to work with me every day. She is getting to be a pro at sleeping through the most heated discussion. 

Lily turned 2 months old and is quite the little personality now. She smiles, laughs and giggles all the time. Notice Daddy off to the right making her laugh?

Lily continues to have a favorite parent - me - and for some reason, Chris can't seem to quiet her. no matter what he does. She'll grow out of that - about the time she starts taking a bottle and not just the breast. Oh, speaking of breasts, Jamisen keeps trying to feed his teddy bear. "Bear is hungry. Bear is hungry." I'm pretty sure this won't be permanently traumatizing for him but it makes me wonder. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Blueberry Picking

We took Jamisen and Lily Blueberry hunting last weekend.

Funny story; we showed up and the woman behind the counter suggested that Jamisen buy a 'grazing pass' for $5. We (Chris) assured her that Jamisen would only have a handful of blueberries and we did not need to buy a pass. She graciously let us out into the field, without the $5 pass.

Well, she knew better than we did because Jamisen ate and ate and ate and ate. Daddy and Jamisen made the long walk back to the shop and bought the $5 pass so Jamisen could eat to his heart and belly's content.
 Jamisen soon learned that it was much more efficient to just take blueberries from Daddy's bucket than it was to pick his own.

Plus, he seemed to have some difficulty discerning the green blueberries versus the actual ripe ones so it was probably better from a food-poisoning standpoint that he chose from Daddy's bucket.

We bought 4 pounds of blueberries for $12.50. It sure made going to the store to buy a pint for $5 seem like it was super, duper expensive but it was sure fun to go picking and see Jamisen's joy.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Jamisen misses Grandpa

Jamisen is turning into quite a reader. He loves reading at bed, he loves reading in the car and he loves reading basically all the time. What's super funny is that he'll be done with the iPad within 15 minutes but he'll never be done with reading. He's his Mother's son.

Jamisen is missing Grandma and Grandpa Faiola. He got used to having Grandma here a lot and with Grandma, comes Grandpa ("Grampa comes on the train! On the TRAIN! ON THE TRAIN!!!!"). He sings himself to sleep at naptime with the song "With Grandmpa in the family, happy happy home." It's adorable to hear him trying to sing his toneless little tune. Thankfully, we have Oskar's birthday coming up this weekend (play date buddy) and that's distracted him well. Click through to see the video of what he wants to share with Oskar:

 Lily really enjoyed this meeting of the Meritage marketing team.

We came up with a name for our shopping cart - sadly, predicated on only what domain names we can get and basically, there is nothing left out there to buy. We ended up with Merchello (merchant + hello) but also have some other names banked, like Coinetta and Merchetta if we need to change for any reason. I could buy USales for the low, low price of $20,000 or "" for the low low price of $99,000. Thus, we are perfectly happy with Merchello.

Here Jamisen is with Nanny McKenna and demonstrating his incredible love for his sister. I'm sure he will appreciate these photos when he's older. He went in for the mouth kiss at least 10 times. It was charming, as opposed to creepy. In 13 years, we will probably have crossed the line into creepy but for now, seriously cute-a-rific.

Lily's neck strength is getting much better. She is still like a little wobble bobblehead but it's in an adorable way and not in a "support her neck or else she will DIE" way.

I was worried that Jamisen had never tried Jell-o (nor will he in our home; there is so much sugar and artificial flavors and colors in that stuff) so I harvested marionberries from our garden and made a marionberry juice for the gelatin base. To get all fancy, I did a layer with coconut water and a layer with the marionberry. All Jamisen's body said when it showed up was "Nom nom! Sugarsugarsugar SUGAR!!!" and was unimpressed with all the work it took to make the berry juice and do a two layered gelatin dessert. Whatever. Me and this blog will know and eventually, when Jamisen is 32, reading this, he will finally understand how much his Mommy loved him and all of the work will be worth it.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Interview with Jamisen

I want to ask Jamisen  (and Lily when she can speak) these questions periodically. I think it might make a fun long term project. Thus, Jamisen at 27 months old:

What do you want to be when you grow up? "Dentist"

What are you afraid of? "Bugs"

What do you dream about? "Trains"

What is the meaning of life? "I teach you."

I'm trying not to read too much into the last answer but gotta admit, that answer gave me shivers.

This week has been a mix of good days and bad days. The thin dividing line between the two is how many hours Lily sleeps. Shockingly (not), there seems to be a correlation between how easy going Chris and I are with each other and how much sleep we get. Lily must be going through a growth spurt because she's back to eating every 2 hours, including at night. It's been a less than optimal week. Jamisen has had a few time outs, mostly for hitting Mommy or not obeying on the first command.

But, this week saw the return of the amazing Norm, Bramble Berry's COO and with it, my sanity. Finally, I feel like I can exhale. He's been gone over 4 weeks and though, in theory, I can do all his jobs at Bramble Berry (ha! who's kidding whom? there's no way ....), I do them all poorly. I'm out of practice managing the entire company on my own and the cracks were widening into chasms when he walked back into the office on Friday. To commemorate his return, we made him his very own bobblehead. It's been so hot in the office that Lily has been virtually naked every day this week to keep cool.

He has decreed that I can work no more than 10 hours next week and that if he sees me at work before noon on any day, I have to eat a burger.... from McDonalds. YUCK! As a lifelong vegetarian and McDonald's boycotter (have not eaten at McDonalds in over 17 years), that is definitely some decent motivation to stay away.

Thus, I am doing a staycation next week. I'm trying to convince Chris to join me as I garden, clean, and keep moving into our home. It would be lovely to have Lily's room finally unpacked and artwork up on the wall by the end of next week. But, the bigger goal? All the prep work to build Jamisen his own play house (!!) in the upper lawn, by the garden. Chris is grudgingly rolling his eyes at the idea but I think we can do it.

Lily was a big help this week on the SoapQueen.TV set (shot at our house because the set is way too warm). She was a model for the baby massage oil recipe we designed and did amazingly. She also attended many meetings with me this week and was extremely well behaved. I think she likes all the talking and activity. This is the meeting (at law offices, no less) for the official formation of Meritage Technologies, our new company to code a full open source shopping cart system.

I've been cooking up a storm - chocolate chip banana and oat cookies tonight and quinoa pancakes for breakfast to have with the homemade dandelion apple rhubarb syrup my Dad and I made last week. Tomorrow, I'm hoping to make Quark protein yogurt popsicles for Jamisen and harvest enough blackberries to make a coconut water blackberry gelatin. The boy has never had Jell-o and I'm pretty sure I'm about to get my Mom License yanked if I don't introduce him to that special joy and wonder.

Jamisen had his first Dentist visit this week. He screamed and screamed and screamed and screamed. The Dentist declared that the age of the binky was done and just like that, childhood.... over. No more binky for bed. This is the Dentist's office with a full play area!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Planes, Trains or ... just trains

Life is settling in with two children. Those who have made the transition from 1 child to 2 know the tiredness, pain, frustration and moments of glee and hilarity Chris and I are going through. Jamisen remains 95% loving and curious and 5% mischievous when it comes to his little sister.  
 Like, is he helping in this photo? It certainly would appear but ...  
Lily remains a textbook baby (thank goodness, since Jamisen was definitely NOT) and is able to come to work with me every day. She is quite the little office mascot and is comfortable with the smells and sounds of the Bramble Berry offices. 
 Lily is a full 6 weeks old and is sleeping 4 hours at a time now. I feel like a new woman, capable of coherent speech and patience (a miracle!) if I get a stretch of 4 hours of sleep per night.
We had a fun (busy, exhausting) weekend with Grandma and Grandpa here. It is always a blessing, and such a relief to have extra hands to help wrangle the children and give Chris and I a moment to ourselves every so often. It's nice to get a quiet moment to remind each other that we do indeed, like each other and catch up on the news of the week.
 With their help, we ventured out onto a good old-fashioned train ride - emphasis on the OLD. The trains that we took were over 100 years old and never would pass safety inspection today. Thankfully, they never traveled over 5 miles per hour, making a very short trip last and last and last. Jamisen's first handcart ride was a success (though the same can't be said for the next group that took it. Their handcart jumped the tracks, leaving us all very thankful that Jamisen wasn't on that particular handcart ride).
 His sister was less excited about the train trip and did not delight and amaze our cabin. She screamed and screamed for 85% of the ride. I tried to walk her around each train car to give equal opportunity screaming to each train car.  
Jamisen is obsessed (OBSESSED) with trains. This trip was epic for him and he was awake over 2 hours past his nap time, running on pure happy adrenalin. I see many more train trips in our future this summer.
We had lots of play time this weekend, including three different parks. It was wonderful to have Grandma and Grandpa there to help with both kids. Jamisen is developing a close relationship with them, especially Grandma who comes to spend entire weeks with us. Both Chris and I feel thankful, blessed and exceedingly grateful to have such a strong support network on both sides of our family.
The weekend went far too quickly but, there's always next weekend!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Big Boy Bed

Jamisen got a transitional big boy bed. It's not a full size twin; more like a crib that's on the floor without bars. He doesn't really like sleeping in it. He will usually slip in it for naps but prefers the crib. 

Dear Lily, in case you're ever curious, your hospital stay was $24,358. We're thankful to have solid medical care and insurance. =)

Jamisen and Oskar are fast becoming friends. Here, Oskar's Daddy Deron looks on as the boys run on the 'water blob' (two sheets of plastic taped together and filled with water). 

Of course, the aftermath on our lawn wasn't very pleasant. The water inside of the sheets heated up to a degree that it burned the lawn underneath it. Whoops. Thank goodness for understanding husbands, right?

Jamisen is fully riding his tricycle now, like a big boy. He says "Riding bike! Riding bike!" and he is proud of himself and his achievements.

Here, Uncle Erik prepares for having his own two-legged children. He's a great daddy to his four-legged kids and we can't wait to indoctrinate him into the life of two-legged children. No pressure. No pressure. 

Both sets of Grandparents remain extremely supportive. Grandpa and Grandma Faiola have been sanity-saving. Grandma has now spent three weeks of Lily's six weeks up in Bellingham, helping. Grandpa works a full week at work and then comes up on the Friday train. Chris and I feel blessed and Jamisen is over the moon happy when they visit and has requested that I call Grandpa for him multiple times this week. When he sings 'Happy Happy Home', he always starts with 'Grandpa' and moves quickly onto 'Grandma.'

Miss Beautiful Baby Lily comes to work with me every day. She dressed up a couple days ago - probably to make up for the horrific day we had the day before. It was so bad that I had some (lightweight) retail therapy to make up for the disaster that the work day turned out to be. Thank goodness for Chris; he came from his office to hold Lily for 90 minutes so I could review some legal documents that needed my full attention. I've already told Norman that when he gets back from his five week sabbatical that I'll be taking a week off just to sleep.

She does look like quite the little perfect princess when she sleeps. You can't see the temper on her when she's sleeping =)

Chris has taken to calling our little girl 'Bald Eagle' for obvious reasons. I try to comfort her by telling her that bald eagles are majestic, strong and proud but I'm not sure she grasps those concepts yet. 

Here she is being introduced to the water. Notice that she basically looks like she hates us and wishes she was born into another family. We decided to switch to showers and she does okay with those until the end. She seems to get tired of the showers around minute 3 or so but overall, a normal baby reaction.

Here Lily is with Mommy at the lawyer's office with Norman calling in from Europe (see the iPad with the face? That's Norm) and Rusty, our new business partner in a e-commerce web extension shop. I dressed her up in a ladylike dress for the occasion.  Our first work party for Meritage Technologies (new company) is this weekend. The developers are all flying in from all over the United States this weekend. It will be fun juggling everything. 
Overall, Chris and I are still sleep deprived and both still in the throes of transition for our family but remain thankful for our healthy children, our strong family unit, our commitment to each other and our extended family support. We are blessed.