Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Sicko Family

We're quite the picture of healthfullness in this family ... three out of the four of us down and out for the count. Not that Jamisen recognizes it but he has a chest cold that makes him sound like he might cough up a lung at any given moment. Of course, he's passed this delight onto his sister who is having trouble sleeping since she can't breathe and his Daddy. So, basically, our house is super soggy right now.

Halloween came and went without a lot of fanfare. We had under 10 kids at the house.

We did follow Grandpa Faiola's lead and do full size bars for those 10 kids. Jamisen hated his costume but was stoked about the sugar. Chris thought our pumpkin looked "a little wet" so he baked it, leading to a Mr. Grumpy pumpkin that could have used a face lift.

And, darn those other 50 kids that did not show up, there was far too much sugar left over in this house for me not to end up eating half of it. That caused a downward spiral that's gone all all week that simply must stop.

Jamisen has taken to being less subtle about his attention-seeking lately and has been perpetually locked in his room on one time out or another after hitting, kicking or biting his good-natured sister. It's almost impossible to tell from these photos but he does have a mischievous streak in him.

We tried a new school for Jamisen this week because I'm so distraught over the USDA food pyramid food his current school serves. Jamisen loved it but didn't seem quite comfortable with kids older than him so we will wait and try that organic, hippie, kale-loving school again in a few months.

 We've moved Jamisen's crib out of his room and he doesn't seem to miss it all that much. He does insist on loading his big boy bed up with lots of toys and books, lest he be bored while trying to sleep.

Lily continues to roll over and is starting to sit up with support.

Our downstairs remodel for the mother-in-law suite is coming along, thanks to Chris's careful management of the project.

We went shark diving at Pt. Defiance Zoo this week and found it to be thrilling and interesting. I'm going again while Chris watches from the outside with the kiddos. This is how they disposed of their pumpkins at the zoo. Pretty funny, no?

Fall is here! I took a beautiful run/hike with my friend Jody in the mountains and the leaves were all in piles, fluffy and ready to jump in.

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