Monday, December 2, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

We have so much to be thankful for - our healthy family, interesting jobs, a lovely home with a backyard for hyper kids, and much to look forward to.

One of the things this Thanksgiving really made me thankful for is the modern convenience we like to call 'The Dishwasher'. Our lovely dishwasher chose to break a couple days before Thanksgiving and the new dishwasher (sadly, ours was DOA) will not be in until next week.

Grandma Faiola to the rescue! She hand washed all the dishes lovingly. We can all say that Thanksgiving would not have gone off without her.

Clearly, it's Lily's turn to be terrorized by Grandfather/Mother photo skills (one of us was Anne Geddes in a former life, clearly). She was the perfect model and SO happy to be dumped in wet leaves and dressed like a little Fall Princess. The perfect Fall dress is from our dear friend, David Syre, who had no way to know that it was the most ideal dress for the season (ever!). Thank you David!

 Every year, we usually go all out with our Thanksgiving Blessings discussion at the table - the Thank You Table Cloth, the Blessings Rolls and going around the table to say what we are thankful for. But, between the baby, the toddler, the broken dishwasher and two exhausted parents, I forgot to invite or encourage or plan any of those things.

I feel so guilty (as does Grandma) and we vow to never let another Thanksgiving go by without the most sappy, the most saccharine, and the most over-the-top Thankfulness ceremony. Next year, I may even find a sacrificial fatted calf to sacrifice; that's how serious I am about not forgetting the reason for the season.

Jamisen was so bummed when he woke up from his nap and his Uncle Erik and Aunt Cheriss were gone. It's the first thing he said when he woke up: "Where is Uncle Erik?" Awwww ... so sweet. 

Lily has started sleeping 6 and even 7 hours in a row now. This is exciting for many, many reasons and both Chris and I are beyond thrilled. She loves her solid foods, attacking the spoon with speed not commonly seen in drooling infants. Her breastfeeding days are officially over as of Sunday but I'm delighted we made it a full six months and feel good about her nutritional start for the marathon of life.

Chris and I actually got away for an overnight (our first) since Jamisen was born. It was SO luxurious to sleep for 10 hours without getting up for toddlers, babies or any random thing. I also read for a good 3 straight hours while eating 4 different kinds of cheese and truffle crackers. Basically, it was pure heaven and we have Grandma and Grandpa Faiola to thank for that wonderful respite.

Here Jamisen is helping me with the traditional FSE company Christmas party soaps. He loves soapmaking and asks to help stir, add fragrance and pour the soap. He is such a big helper.

Speaking of soap, it was Bramble Berry's long-time COO's birthday this last week and we brought in an entertainer to sing 'Happy Birthday' and lead the warehouse in a 'Norm!' cheer, complete with cheesy flowers, balloons, cheap chocolate and goofy headpieces.

It's been a busy week - and as always, we are thankful, blessed, and beyond tired. We are so grateful for the support of our family this last week - and the opportunity to rest, and reconnect.

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