Monday, February 24, 2014

We Will Fly Again

Our trip over to Hawaii and back were both rather miserable (though, full disclosure, the flight attendants said the children were very good on the way back).

On the way to Hawaii, as soon as we checked into our flight and made it through security (I got a full pat down and bomb check thanks to Lily’s food), they made an announcement that because headwinds were so strong, they would be diverting to San Jose to pick up fuel.

(No Jamisen is not making out with his sister; he is trying to hug his sister in the airport and it's ridiculously adorable)

That made the 5 hour flight into a 9 hour flight. When we got to San Jose, the wait to fuel went on and on and on. Typically, Jamisen and Lily nap at 1 p.m. At this point, it was 1:45 and neither had napped.

Jamisen and Chris went up to visit the cockpit during the long break and disaster struck. Jamisen vomited EVERYWHERE. Chunks all over the front area, all over Chris, all over Jamisen, and all over the gangway. No, there is no photo of this amazing event.

The stewardess came to get me and I had to leave Lily with a stranger. It was such a sad little scene to find Jamisen shaking like a leaf and covered in chunks of egg and pear (yum), Chris stripped down to his jeans only and Alaska Airline people hovering about, telling us we wouldn't be able to get on the plane again.

Then some non-nurse official comes with a cell phone to call 'Medline' where some other doctor on the other end has to decide what happened with Jamisen and if he can get back on the plane. At some point, the stewardess tried to tell me that they would be leaving our family, without luggage, covered in vomit, in San Jose. I did my best to reassure the stewardess that Jamisen just had too much sugar on the way up and down - and was not a small little Typhoid Mary. 

Finally they let us back on the plane - where the rest of the passengers have gone through their carry-one to find clothes for Jamisen and Chris. No, we hadn't packed spares. We learned our lessons there and will never travel again without spare clothing for the children. And from there, we still had a full five hours left on the flight but thankfully, it was uneventful after that thanks to a huge dose of Benadryl for Mr. Jamisen.

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