Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Playing Catch Up ... again

We have been so happy about the sun that's been peeking out lately! Yay for sunshine and a place for the kiddos to let off their energy. Jamisen loves his green tractor and drives it everywhere!

Jamisen's drawing and color skills are improving daily. It is impressive to see him try to color in the lines ... though, the example above is not one of his best examples. He also has this interesting nose picking habit (exhibited above). It's weird ... he loves to pick his nose. I'm hoping he grows out of it.

Jamisen loves eggs, loves cupcakes and loves cheese so I made him egg cupcakes with a ton of very finely chopped and steamed veggies. He loved them - as did his adorable and perfect sister.
Lily remains happy, crawling,  scooting and eating solids. She is still our early riser, getting up at 5ish every day, but she is so good natured that it's hard to be upset about seeing her for extra hours in the day.

As you can see, potty training is going well. Jamisen now just wanders off on his own to use the toilet and even wipes himself down ... which has led to a diaper rash on him so we need to work on that a bit.

Little bums are the cutest, aren't they!?
With the improving weather comes more opportunities to hike, play outdoors and get more friend time in. I went to my friend Jody's for a hike, only to find that an entire truck of hay had shown up and we had to unload bales of hay instead of hiking. It was a great opportunity to get some bicep work in!

My Mastermind Women's Business group is going strong and is on its 7th year together now. We just finished the book "The Desire Map" (all about figuring out your core desires and working towards how you want to feel in a day, rather than just straight goals) and "Jab Jab Jab Right Hook" about how to best capitalize on business social media. I treasure the group (there's 7 of us - we're not all pictured above) and feel thankful to have such a support group in my life. =)

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