Friday, October 10, 2014

Party Girls, Cooking Boys and Climbing Mommies

Little Lily is so close to talking. She babbles happily all the time and hasn't added much to her repertoire except "papa" and, she still loves to say the word 'blueberry'. We're rather impressed since it's a 3-syllable word.

She's getting on giant molar in the back (left) and has been waking up, wailing, multiple times a night. It's so sad. She is inconsolable when she's in pain and hates to have her gums rubbed. She's still just napping one nap in the afternoons now and that is working well for the entire family.

Lily is ridiculously active. She hates sitting in the stroller to be pushed around. She loves to climb and is fearless. She sees her brother going and wants to always go with him. She loves to run, run, run as fast as her little chubby legs can carry her and lately, has started throwing balls and chasing them through the house. We're thrilled; anything to help her work off her amazing energy.

This is the day that Jamisen convinced me that cupcakes were a good breakfast food. Sometimes, he is so cute and so well behaved that I just can't say 'no.'. 

Lily is a carb baby and loves to eat anything that has refined flour. If it has sugar, there are bonus points. She has five teeth now so giving her full pieces of soft food isn't as much of a "all hands on deck!" watch post situation..

Lily fell and hit her head at REI. Nanny McKenna took both kids there to take advantage of their sale and a display came between the shopping Nanny and the playing children. Lily lost that battle and has a deep gash on her forehead that we are lovingly applying balm to in the hopes that it does not scar. 

I made Jamisen and Lily egg quiches for breakfast in little muffin tins. They're delicious but man, it's such a pain in the rear to clean the pan.

Jamisen had is second dentist visit to check up on his teeth. We got what he feels is a full death sentence: flossing. His parents aren't too thrilled either. Have you ever tried to floss a fish? That's basically what it's like to floss this little boy.

My software and website development company had a major success last week. We hired a senor developer out of NYC. She does all the deep software architect'ing and is ridiculously talented. We are thrilled to have her on our team; so thrilled that I made her scale high walls to jointly celebrate. 

One of my Mastermind business groups had our all day planning and goal setting retreat last week. We came up with family goals, personal goals and business goals. I'll share the family goals as soon as Chris signs off on them. As for Chris, he's been extremely busy hiring a new CFO for his company after his stable, long-term team member left for a different opportunity. 

As always, we are extremely grateful and blessed for our healthy, happy family and challenging work opportunities. 

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