Sunday, July 5, 2015

Father's Day + the $7 Cookie

When I read about Mr. Nelson's cookies, I was intrigued, shooting off an email to a select group of people that said something like "Wow, almost seven dollars for a cookie! I'm really intrigued. Can you imagine making the world's best cookie and only making 24 dozen a day, limiting supply and having no staff! Sounds like a dream company ..."

Of course, I was curious but had no intention of spending that sort of money on a cookie myself. I mean, a chocolate chip cookie is a chocolate chip cookie!

Then I remembered, it was Father's Day and what better loving expression of kindness and admiration than to invest in a dozen $7 cookies for my father?! Brilliant!

I mean, my Dad doesn't actually like chocolate so really hasn't ever eaten a chocolate chip cookie in his life but, details.

The cookies were indeed delicious. Nothing can beat home-baked, fresh-from-the-oven but these mail-order cookies were indeed, yummy cookies. I tossed a few in the freezer and am looking forward to defrosting and eating them over the summer.  The kids loved them. And, it's a measure of how much I love them that I even shared those cookies with them.

Jamisen and I continue to do mad scientist, artsty stuff. Recently, we made glorified Jell-o and turned it into a sensory tank that we played with and threw things into. It molded within a few days, providing an extra-exciting science experiment.

The garden at our old house is growing so well! In fact, the kale is getting white mildew because it's growing so densely. I need to go thin that out in all of my spare time (she said, drolly). The deer are loving the garden situation at our new house because it's not protected. They've never eaten so much kale in their lives! We're going to work on getting chicken wire grates to put over it to protect heirloom varieties of beets, baby carrots, bok choy and kale just sprouting.

Behold, our little engineer/architect rigs up a little world for himself, complete with a rope line that no one shall pass without his permission. He had a full story for this set-up, complete with 'tricks' and bridges. 

The kids' latest vegetable obsession is okra, followed closely by chard and broccoli. They are so funny; tonight, Jamisen told me that he "didn't like those kinds of cherries" (referring to the lovely dark burgundy variety versus the yellow/red variety). He was perfectly happy eating the burgundy-colored cherries just last week. Ah, kids.

They also love their homemade yogurt - and I love it because I know there is no sugar added at all. Each little delicious bowl of yogurt has over 7 grams of healthy protein for our little ones - and I am going to start making them yogurt ice cream soon. Yay for healthy guts! =)

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