Saturday, August 29, 2015

We love Beets, Slow Cookers & Ice Cream

Soooooome little elf climbed up onto the counter and got herself caught in the slow cooker. She is such the little impish happy girl.

As I write this, the kids are eating beet popsicles. Really and truly. They are eating beet, lemon, cabbage popsicles sweetened with a raspberry juice and a tinch of simple syrup. They even know it's made from beets and they're delighted!

The kids continue to love reading. They will sit for up to an hour reading. Lily's attention span is less than Jamisen's but if we're reading a book she really wants to read, she'll read it over and over again. Her favorite book in the entire world right is a book about diggers, those magnificent earth moving machines.

The kids continue to get the bulk of their calcium from ice cream (joking; they really get it from kale). Chris and the kids have started this adorable and sweet family ritual of taking the double stroller down to Fairhaven (a good two mile walk) and having goldfish crackers at the train coffee shop and then, gelato at the ice cream store. It's about a 5 mile loop and the kids love it.

When they go to the gelato stand, the key is to get lots and lots of sprinkles - and, a cone. The kids get the ice cream on a cone and then end up eating it out of a bowl.

We hope the weather holds so we can head out on a few more awesome urban hikes. Quality time together as a family makes our hearts happy.

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