Monday, September 21, 2015

On Snow Cones, Wizard Costumes & Rubber Sheets

We've enjoyed the last of summer with much squealing, laughter and joy. For the fourth year in a row, Bramble Berry has taken over the Bellingham Bells Game. The kids love it because there are cookies and this year, there was even a bouncy house! Happy kiddos.

Training is going well for the half marathons. My friend Patrice is super pregnant. She'll be over 8 months by the time we do our run for real, assuming her baby stays inside her belly for long enough to finish our two half marathons.

Patrice (the diabolical friend that got me into running long distances) just gave us an awesome box of dress up clothes that Jamisen is loving! They're just a little too big for Lily but Jamisen is embracing his flair for the dramatic with dresses (or is that a wizard costume ) and pink high heels. They also have been enjoying snow cones at the farmer's market which is basically sugar water squirted over shaved ice. The people at the farmer's market are making a small fortune and good for them for being ingenious at their choice of products to ensnare passerby. 

I know that every other blog post talks about how creative the kids are and that's because, well, they are. They both are embracing all things tactile, arts and craft related. Here, we made play dough from scratch and then overlaid a clear plastic mat on different scenes so the kids could sculpt things that were scene appropriate. What you are looking at in the photo is eggs, donuts and bacon for the breakfast scene that is under the mat. Jamisen also made a whale card that he is proudly displaying. 

The kiddos still fight going to sleep nightly and that remains a stressful hour for all of us but mornings are so fun. The kids wake up happy, rarin' to go and just adorable. Lily loves her footie pajamas (hand-me-downs from Aunti Anamarie) and I'm dreading the day when she grows out of them. Jamisen is struggling with either willfully not getting up to go to the bathroom (and really, the bed is really comfy so I get the desire to not go to the bathroom in the middle of the night) or sleeping right through his walnut-sized bladder bursting; either way, he's generally naked in the mornings before we see the evidence of his wet, bloated night underwear. We'll get there ... I have faith.  But for now, we're thankful for waterproof sheet pads and giant pull up (padded) night underwear.

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