Monday, February 15, 2016

Three Questions ... with Lily

Lily is 2 1/2 years old and just a little happy spitfire. She has SO much personality and is quick to laugh, quick to cry, and quick to forgive. She is fiercely protective of her brother, literally jumping on us when we try to brush Jamisen's teeth or put him in time out.

She is also quite devilish when it comes to torturing her big brother. Right now, the most common way to do it is by stealing whatever he is playing with and running someplace else very quickly. Right now, her brother mostly just sits there and yells and waits for a parent to step in but Lily, you just wait ... when he figures out he can run faster than you, you're in for some trouble. =)

The three questions with Lily:

What is your favorite color: Silver
What do you want to be when you grow up: Fireman 
What is the meaning of life? "Open the door."

Tonight, she got a candy for Valentine's from her school. Now, the rule is, you can have the candy after you eat something of nutritional value. She insisted on holding her sucker. I told her that was fine as long as she ate her food and didn't lick the sucker. So, she didn't lick the sucker. She swiped the dry sucker over her lips in a line, stuck out her tongue, licked her lips, and did it again. And thus she figured out how to technically not BREAK the letter of the law but clearly not comply with the spirit of the law.

We love our adventuresome, fierce, funny, kind, and feisty little girl.

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