Sunday, March 13, 2016

We Caught Two Leprechauns!

Our little karmic torpedoes are penance and payment for every transgression
Chris may have committed when he was younger. I lay it all at his feet since all I hear from my Mother is what an angel I was and I have heard some doozies of stories about Chris as a toddler. =) Two plus two clearly equals reality ...

We have been having some INSANE wind storms around here - like crazy gusts that cause the water in front o fus to turn into a foamy sea of white instead of a dark, green blue sea. Chris said to me the other day, "Wow, those waves are so big!" and Jamisen called out "Daddy, those are not waves. They are whitecaps!"  You know you're a PNW baby when you can tell the difference in classes of waves.

Our little leprechaun sprite (code named: Lily) is growing so much in her imagination and play acting centers. She will spend at least 5 minutes at a time playing with her two Ducky Luckies (one of them is a dog toy that I'm pretty sure we stole from her cousin Sammy). They are two worn, well-loved duckies (one of whom squeaks ... thus the dog toy suspicious). Lily makes up entire story lines for them both where they play, hit eachother, wrestle, kiss and go on adventures. I've also caught her doing this with two pieces of string cheese. Her creativity knows no bounds.

The other leprechaun pictured (code named: Jamisen) remains his sister's best protector. Just today, we heard him calling from the living room, "Mama! Glass! Lily, this is a NO GO ZONE! A No Go Zone!! NO WALKING!" and when I ran in, found him bodily blocking off the area with a broken Christmas bulb, both arms wide and legs in a wide stance. Why was there a Christmas bulb four months after the holidays nearby to be broken? That is an enduring mystery right up there with the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot.
In school right now, Jamisen is learning his numbers and comes home with many tracing papers full of numbers and just starting to learn sounds. He so badly wants to read, and asserts proudly that he is 'reading' whenever he finishes sentences of books he has clearly memorized.

Lily is loving boundary testing lately. Just today, she took two bites of her (veggie) hot dog and threw three pieces across the floor. When I promptly put her in time out and asked if she knew why she had thrown the hot dog, she proclaimed, "Because I wanted to get put in time out!" and when I questioned why she would want to be put in time out, she looked puzzled but was happy to agree that she had wanted attention and that's why she threw the hot dog. And then, in her time out, she managed to disrobe, pull her diaper off and throw it across the room. I imagine she was thinking something like: "So, take that! You give me time out? I will wreck havoc in the 6 inches you have put me in!" If she could have stamped her foot, she would have.

Photo credits of the little sweet leprechauns in green to Grandpa Faiola.

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