Friday, August 30, 2013

Jamisen as Personal Trainer

Ah, Jamisen loves his little sister. He wants to hold her, make her laugh and mimic what his Mommy and Daddy do. He even tried to play peek a boo with her tonight! (video above; must click through to blog to see it as it does not embed in email).

Notice the sweet car carpet? I can't wait to start bribing ... er, I mean, rewarding (!) him with Hot Wheel cars for potty training to drive around that carpet. He still shows absolutely no sign of wanting to potty train. But really, could you blame him? He would have to quit playing to go to the bathroom in the toilet.

Baby Lily continues to delight and amaze at all times. She is growing extremely slowly. She is in the bottom 5th percentile for height and weight. She is only 9 pounds, 14 ounces - and she's over 3 months old. She is just over 22" long and is perfectly proportionate for all of her measurements.

Jamisen gets more and more energy with each passing day. He literally radiates energy from his every pore and sometimes, he gets so excited that his entire body shakes - almost like those teensy dogs that can't keep it together when someone throws the ball to them multiple times. Here he is, pushing me to get back into shape after Lily.

Jamisen loves this geodesic dome that his Grandpa Faiola spent hours (FIVE!) putting together for him. He has conquered it (!) and happily climbs to the top all the time now - a full 2 years before he's supposedly ready for it.

If there was one thing that Grandpa Faiola taught me .... well, one of ten gazillion great lessons ... it was that it's fine to introduce kids (within reason) to things that are supposedly above their age group according to the 'experts' or in this case, the toy designers. We let him explore and when he's ready, he goes for it and we're right there to catch him if it doesn't work. Granted, that may jump back to bite us at some point in the future, but right now? We're going with that theory and Jamisen is thriving with it.

This picture is from a few weeks ago but the connection that Lily and Grandpa are sharing is timeless ... even a couple weeks late.

Jamisen has been missing Grandma Faiola but she will be back next week to visit. He was super lucky to get a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Renoud this week (pictures in another blog post) so that helped him missing those special people in his life. We love our family and are so thankful for all of their support.

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