Monday, September 2, 2013

Gardening, Giggling and Galumping

We have spent the last few weeks of summer trying to chase off deer in our yard. Chris has purchased these hilarious motion sensing sprinklers and the deer continue to slip by him. It's so funny.

We've actually gone on a walk or three in the neighborhood and I love our neighborhood. I can't wait to ride bikes together as a family and just tool around the 'hood.

We brought the kids to the Farmer's Market a few weeks back and it wasn't quite an unmitigated disaster but it was definitely divide and conquer!

I've got the Fall crops planted, thanks to help from Grandma Faiola. We planted kale, chard, pak choy, lemon cucumbers and beets. Possibly carrots but I don't recall... we still need to harvest the last of the zucchini, yellow squash and all the potatoes and then, stake the raspberries and plant seed happy soil stuff (no idea what it's called; ground cover maybe?) to till under in the spring. Something about crop rotation and ground nutrients too ... I'm learning a lot but clearly, it's not all sinking in.

We built a second enclosed rabbit and deer proof fence for the garden. Clearly, 50% of it is working.

Jamisen switches classes this week to a brand new class at Hillcrest. Don't tell him but I'm scared he won't like the kids and I'm not happy about him being separated from the friends he's already made. Lily was at work 8 hours with me last week and is going to be down to just 4 this week. It's a gradual decrease and I wrestle with euphoria (8 whole hours to do work!) and guilt (8 whole hours without my baby!). It's every working Mother's dilemma.

I've been making protein shakes and freezing them as mini popsicles. Jamisen thinks he's getting away with something when he has them for breakfast. I think I'm a genius. We're both winning.

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