Saturday, September 14, 2013

Lily Lily Bo-Billy

Jamisen looks so hot rider cool on his trike. His Daddy bought him this big wheeler last year and he's finally big enough to push it around, albeit not quite big enough to ride it.

Lily is over 3 months old, headed into 4 months and she remains the light of our little family. Where Jamisen is all energy, motion and hyperactivity, Lily is calm, happy and always smiling. Jamisen and Lily share their talking ability though Lily isn't quite using her words yet and their natural good naturedness. They are both such happy, healthy children. We are truly blessed.

Jamisen loves to take care of his sister. If she's crying, he tries extremely hard to calm her down and help her get back to equilibrium. If he hears her cry from the other room, he runs at full speed to the other room, screaming, "Lily's crying! Lily's crying! Lily's crying!" All the adults also run at full speed for that room though not for the reason you'd think. Rather than immediately going for Lily to calm her down, we immediately grab Jamisen. Left to his own devices, he would smother and crush Lily with his not-so-gentle ministrations.

Grandpa and Grandma Renoud visited a few weeks back and Grandpa Winston got in some great one-on-one time with Miss Lily. She seemed taken with him and he with her.

The time is going by so very quickly. Like with Jamisen, my milk supply continues to slowly taper and dry up despite taking 15 assorted pills daily to try and coax it along. Lily eats at 11 p.m., 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. (give or take 30 minutes on either side of those times) and I remain tired and worn out. Even being so tired, at the 3 a.m. feeding, I still hold onto Lily tightly, breathing in the scent of her hair and feeling all verklempt that this is (most likely) our last baby. She's already looking so much like a little person now. I miss her little 1 month self already ...

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