Sunday, October 20, 2013

Fall Orchard Time

It is officially fall in the Pacific Northwest. And, while I'm extremely sad about this, it does make some really gorgeous photos and fall activities, like hanging with family. Hi Auntie Cheriss!

We went to Whatcom Falls Park and checked out the fish (happy, happy fish!) and had a breakthrough! Breakthrough! Jamisen has hated swinging, of all types. He never liked being in the baby seat swings, big boy swings, in our laps ... nada. But this time, we got him to swing for at least 37 seconds and check out that grin. Whoah! Yeaah, little boy, lovin' a traditional childhood past time.

We also went to Bellewood Acres. Jamisen loved this terribly unsafe rocking horse thing. I say it's terribly unsafe because the rocking horse is on concrete. I love that place but was somewhat terrified as Jamisen rocked his little body in an unstable manner over concrete.

The reason Jamisen isn't looking at me (and I have 15 photos just like this one) is because he's staring at the donuts that are being made fresh, right in front of him. Apple Cider donuts, hold the sugar, because Chris is such a conscientious Daddy.
We picked apples in the apple orchard and Jamisen ate them directly from the tree. Go Jamisen! Also, look, it's Lily! She was here for all of these festivities but when Mommy is holding the camera, you don't see Lily because I'm also holding Lily. That's also why these photos require massive editing and culling.

We had a wonderful time at the orchard and at the park with Uncle Erik and Auntie Cheriss. Fall is a magical time of year.

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