Monday, October 21, 2013

Lily is 5 months

Oh Lily Lily Bobilly,

You are 5 months old today and continue to amaze and delight us. You and your brother have a fantastic relationship. He loves to kiss you, hold you and tries to help out whenever possible. Every so often he has a rush of emotion that comes out in the form of hitting or kicking you but for those times, he has special bite toys that he bites down on realllly hard to try to keep himself from hurting you. We're all thankful for that. You're getting some decent neck strength and roll over all the time. You still can't sit up on your own and would wiggle out of all of your little seats if you weren't belted in. You love to watch us with your wide eyes and squawk at us whenever we put you in your little seats to get anything (laundry, cooking, cleaning) done.

You are eating at 10 p.m., 1 a.m. 4 a.m. and 7 a.m. and basically are still trying to kill your parents, especially your Mother. Your Dad is proving to be much more resilient than your Mom. I am merely tired and more often than not, Dad gets you and Jamisen up and lets me sleep in for another hour. Dad is sure setting a good example for your brother on how a husband should be.

We love you more and more with each passing day and are thankful that your little personality has joined our family. We didn't think we could get any happier as a family unit but it turned out that we were just missing our final piece: you.

Love, Mom and Dad

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