Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Belly Bump Photo

The belly bump really seems to come ago. You'll see in this photo that I'm sporting my oh-so-amazing maternity jeans. They're my regular jeans that I had a stretchy band put into so that I could easily fit into them for longer. =)

It's really not the most attractive photo in the world but I can take heart in knowing that I'm the smallest girl in yoga that's 18 weeks along. There's a bunch of us all clustered around the same time period.

One girl is 1 day ahead of me and her first Dr's appointment is December 15th. So, she'll be, 22 or so weeks before she sees the doctor for the first time. And they're not doing ultrasounds at all. Craaazy.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

There Are Too Many Choices!

I spent the evening reviewing strollers and car seats. There is SO much to look at and research. ACK! And the pricing is insane - $170 to $900 for strollers. I haven't figured out what we're doing yet, but this cool "Convert your car seat to a pull-around stroller" looks pretty cool:

Also, I've been looking at what body wrap to get (Baby Bjorn etc...) and the Moby wrap is looking very appealing lately:

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's A ....

 You will all find out over Thanksgiving what the sex of our little Renoud baby is! Dr. Kaepernick, my high-risk pregnancy doctor, is going to fit me in before her Thanksgiving vacation to confirm what the sex of the baby is before Mom and Dad take off for New Zealand.

I'm planning on announcing it with frosting-filled cupcakes - blue for boy, pink for girl - at Thanksgiving. It will be wonderful to tell you all at the same time. Until then, it's a secret ...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Belly Bump!

I'm finally showing! Although to be fair, I show a lot more after I eat an entire burrito (like here).