Sunday, November 25, 2012

Go Chris, GO!

The biggest news of the weekend? Chris finished his Seattle Marathon in 3:25, almost a full hour faster than his time last year (blog post from last year here). photo 
 Can you see him waving at me through the crowd at the start? He's been training a lot more AND more importantly, dropped 25 pounds from last year's race weight. I know, I know, I have no idea where he was hiding that 25 pounds because he was in shape last year. I secretly think that he's losing all the weight, hoping to intersect my weight when I hit month 9 with our Bramble Baby 2. There are choice bad words for men that do tricks like that.
Jamisen and I kept busy while Daddy was running. We explored the Seattle Children's Museum thoroughly! There was a lot to see, including holes where animals burrow. Jamisen was fearless, going into the dark, dark hole until he popped out the other end. I was pretty delighted to see him (after all, what if the hole had a trap-door and really was an elaborate child smuggling ring that only picked little blue-eyed, strawberry-blonde boys?) 

 We played for 2 hours until it was time to go get Daddy and then, imagine our surprise when we walked to the appointed meeting place 15 minutes early to find Daddy waiting for us! He finished a full 35 minutes ahead of his goal time, and a full 55 minutes ahead of his time last year. We were so proud of him!
The salmon are making their annual migration in Washington state, going back to their birthplaces to spawn (and then die soon thereafter). Despite the incredible 'liquid sunshine' display the PNW gave us, the entire Faiola family clan ventured on a hike to see the salmon run. Jamisen was intrigued by the majestic creatures and thankfully didn't seem to notice many of them weren't really moving anymore.That's code for: there were dead fish everywhere, on the banks, smelling horrible as they decayed.
Does his outfit remind you of Paddington Bear? It kept him mostly dry but his pants still got soaked. He was such a little trooper, walking an entire half mile in pouring rain, without complaint. He mostly looked shell-shocked but game for the trip.
Clearly, we did not starve at Thanksgiving. We were also joined this year by Granddog Toby (Erik's contribution to the grandchild mix), who feasted on Pumpkin Apple pancakes for breakfast. The entire family, well, except Chris who is mostly forced into it, is vegetarian so our Thanksgiving celebrations involve lots of pasta and vegetables. They sound simple but they don't end up all that healthy, thanks to the happy helpings of cheese we always put on everything.
It was sure nice to go to Grandma and Grandpa Faiola's house for a few days because Grandma took care of Jamisen almost the entire time, leaving me to lounge luxuriously on the couch and read (with a slightly guilty conscience since so many of the Bramble Berry team worked all weekend to ship out orders). I finished two books (I'll admit, they were trash books - the new Clive Cussler and the new one in the YA Matched series. I went through a phase after 'Hunger Games' when I read a lot of YA.). We also saw 'Life of Pi' (I read the book and felt like the move was pretty true to the book plot line) and played some fierce 'Settlers of Catan' games after Jamisen went to bed at night. It was such a treat to have Grandma (and Grandpa) take on all the heavy duty parenting tasks (I didn't change a poopy diaper for three days!) that we might need to make Thanksgiving at their house a tradition.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours. We're spending the day together, enjoying delights such as the 'Best Weekend Kale Salad' (my favorite salad in the entire world!), vegetarian lasagna, pumpkin shiitake risotto with pine nuts  homemade rolls, fake chick'n, mashed potatoes (sweet and regular), Worthington vegetarian dinner roast, stuffing with gravy and pear apple tartlet. We may very well be those Americans that eat so many calories today that it takes 45 miles to run it off (!!).
November Faiola Family 2012 
 I'm thankful for many things this year and though I reflect on them daily, it's still good to declare it publicly. I'm thankful for the dedicated, fun, service-oriented team at Bramble Berry, I'm thankful for a healthy baby boy, a baby in my tummy and a happy marriage to a kind, thoughtful man, I'm thankful for my close and extended family, our health, the place we live (Bellingham really is incredible) and the opportunity to spend a couple days with family, laughing, loving and reflecting. I hope you are able to do the same.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Jamisen on Twitter

Did you know that Jamisen has been on Twitter since he was born? You can go look at 19 months of photos (it's easy - just click "View Photo" by every tweet). Memory lane is sure fun.

He's here: 

Jamisen Louis (BrambleBump) on Twitter 2012-11-21 12-30-56

We also have a poll over at the Soap Queen blog to guess the sex of the baby. You can vote easily here (top right on the toolbar).

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fall Hiking

We had a great weekend hike with our family last weekend. Jamisen has quite the independent streak and wanted to walk over all the logs by himself. Demonstrating quite the balance skills, he did a fantastic job. Nov 2012 
 Our niece and nephew, Samantha and Toby, also joined us. Jamisen loved them, squealing with peals of laughter every time they came around. He was truly delighted with their company. Nov 2012 
 Another log conquered!
  Nov 2012 
 You can't see him because he's taking the photo but Grandpa Faiola is on the hike with us too. What a happy family! And perfectly posed dogs (so well behaved!).Nov 2012 
 I love our family time and really appreciate our family unit. Everyone has such fun with eachother, laughs all the time and is so encouraging. We are blessed.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Really Likes His Truck

First thing Jamisen did after his shower? Ran right out to play with his new favorite toy:


 Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Renoud!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

New Truck

Our baby Jamisen is getting quite the sweet little attitude. It's hilarious. I can't stop laughing when he does this stuff which makes it hard to discipline. Also, notice at the end when he whispered 'Mama.'  
 We had a great weekend visit with Grandma and Grandpa Renoud and other family members (brother Weston, sister in law Anna, sister in law Anamarie). Nov 2012 
 We dined on delicious cottage cheese loaf, yummy pastries, cheese and the most decadent cream-cheese based Southwest dip (ever!). Nov 2012 
 They brought Jamisen the cutest, most adorable, quality wooden truck (ever). It was such a thoughtful gift: Nov 2012 
 Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Renoud! Nov 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012

Kumquats and Pumpkins

Baby Number Two is officially a Kumquat. And obviously, from how much I am showing, my uterus in the size of a watermelon. Thank goodness Kumquat isn't crowded in there!

We went to the pumpkin patch last weekend. Oct 27 2012 
Jamisen picked out our family pumpkin. He made a valiant attempt to carry it himself. Oct 27 2012 
He seemed plenty fine with the horses but amazingly, I learned something knew about his Daddy. Chris is scared of horses (?!). Who knew?! Not I! Oct 27 2012 
This little Shetland Pony is more like it.
 Oct 27 2012 
 Jamisen also 'forehead bumped' (his baby way of kissing) the bunny rabbit. Oct 27 2012 
And, the sheep
. Oct 27 2012 
 He tried to 'forehead bump' the turkey but Chris was not having any of that! Jamisen loved the tractor too!
 Oct 27 2012 
This farm has an animal petty zoo in a trailer that can come to birthday parties. Here is their number for me to remember when Jamisen is 6 years old and we hire a petting zoo trailer for his birthday party. Oct 27 2012