Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Lake House Move

We moved from Seabrook to the Lake House. Thank goodness that we had a cabin to move into because the rental situation for a fully furnished house with little kids was dismal ... beyond dismal. The lake house is about a 25ish minute commute one way so that was an adjustment for everyone, especially the nannies.

The kids love the lake house. The water is good for hours and hours of creative (and messy) play. Of course, since neither of them can swim yet, it's also a little terrifying to have the lake so close to the house but we'll work on getting the kids into swim lessons so they can learn how to float.

The lake house also has a super sweet play area that Aunt Anamarie used to play on and now our little ones enjoy.
Seriously, you give 'em a slide and they're all over it.

Jamisen looks like he's watching closely over his sister but that's basically the only time. When he was at the water, he was all about the water only and making sure that he had plenty of toys and sand to play with. The house itself is fairly compact so the kids were outside a whole bunch during the few weeks we lived at the lake.

Lily and Jamisen enjoyed early morning fishing expeditions. The rule is, if you're on the dock, life jacket. No exceptions. The kids have the life jackets with the little belt on them too so they stay put.

One day, Lily grabbed my purse, put on a pair of her brothers Crocs, and opened the front door and trotted away, like she was going to work. Naked. It was so super cute but also a reminder of how close the dang road is to the house at the lake.

Thank goodness for this little red wagon. Chris drug the kiddos on walks around the lake (well, "around" is pushing it; it was basically half a mile in each direction) to keep them occupied and happy. They both love to explore and other than Lily trying to stand up in the wagon (hello, balance issues!), the wagon was a hit.

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