Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Transition Time

We've had a fantastic time getting used to our new routines - only to have school end and all routines up in the air. The kiddos' part-time manny, Jason, is also a circus instructor so every so often, he takes the kids to the circus lab to show them tricks, let them run their energy off and try the trapeze (over a very thick pad). They love the creativity and Jamisen especially is modeling Jason, offering to show us "tricks" all the time.

We were happy Uncle Ryan came to visit for a few hours. The kids took him to Boulevard Park where we enjoyed watching construction more than we actually played in the park.
 It was especially exciting when one of the diggers hit a previous not-identified water line and water gushed everywhere. The engineers in the family (Weston and Chris) were particularly amused by this mishap.

Lily is our happy little daredevil; you can tell she has an older brother because she just throws herself down the slide with wild abandon.

The view of our new home from the yard; the curved arch is just amazing. The former owners designed it to look that way, stating that they didn't just want it to look like a giant box. We are very thankful for their thoughtful design aesthetic.

We have two lovely koi + about 7 other fish in the pond in front of the house. Turbo and Sally are our two large koi and they swim happily though do cringe when they hear and see the children. They also won't eat in their presence so we have to hide behind a bush to watch them eat.

Lily loves her new mattress; that's right, new mattresses for the entire family!

And bedding too. All of the bedding was discarded during the asbestos-no-asbestos purge.

We love our new house but man oh man, has this been a stressful 3 months. Between a trip to Saudi for Chris, a trip to Kansas City and Prattville, Alabama for me and moving and insurance claims, we are looking for some stability and normalcy.

The kids are loving the playhouse that came with the new house, especially our dare devil Lily.

But going down slides is for beginners; both kids are fully into climbing up the slide to get into the play area. It's fun to see them adventuring.

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