Thursday, December 1, 2011


Chris left today for Saudi. It's a quick trip. He'll be back by Monday, just in time for me to take off to DC to lobby Congress on behalf of my industry.

Today, I said to Jamisen, "Daddy is on a plane right now. He's flying and is missing you very much but he'll be back in five days."

The second I said "Daddy", Jamisen's head was like a little swivel stick. He looked for his Daddy for at least a couple minutes as I said things like, "Ooooh right. You don't understand the meaning of the word 'plane' do you? Riiiiiiight. Uuum-kay. Um. Yeah." Pause. Pause. "Um, do you want to eat?" Swivel swivel. "Book?" Swivel swivel. "Um, binky?" Swivel swivel. This went on for at least a couple minutes with Jamisen craning his neck to see his Daddy.

It was soooooooo sweet! He knows the word Daddy and misses him already. That makes two of us.

1 comment:

Lisa McShane said...

So sweet! Can't wait until he starts talking!