Saturday, April 14, 2012

Weekend Fun

It's only halfway through the weekend and we've packed enough fun in for multiple weekends. It wasn't until after I had baby Jamisen that I realized why everyone looked forward to the weekend - play time! Pre-baby, weekends were for working, hiking and reading. And post-baby, weekends are for crawling races, hiking and reading. It's not all that much different except it's minus most of the work-work. Obviously, I still have housework with Mr. Jamisen loving to take things **out** of drawers but not so enthused about putting them back **into** drawers.


I spent part of the day (during Jamisen's nap times) at the Bellingham Farmer's Market gathering signatures for a public show of support for a wrongfully fired Port Director (local news coverage on it here). If you happen to live in Whatcom County and want to sign the petition, you can find it here. It was such a delight to spend part of the day outside, in the sun (one of the first days of sun in Bellingham recently) and then intersperse it with quality baby time. I can already see my freckles coming out with just a few hours in the sun.

My creation

Chris, Jamisen and I did over 5 miles of 'urban hiking' (glorified term that means 'pushing stroller on sidewalks'), got crepes for breakfast and did a quick afternoon walk as well (overindulging on sunshine is such a luxury). Jamisen has this fun little thing he does on our walks: he coos and sings most of the way to our destination. Notice that even with the sun, Jamisen is still very bundled up. It's not very warm outside yet.


Jamisen is such a happy baby. Chris and I are amazed at how fun and easy he is. There was a lot of laughing today!

We did his 11 month old photo shoot as well (I told you we packed a lot in a day!).

04 2012

He sat still for a grand total of two photos. I am counting my blessings for these two photos because the rest of the photos were of the back of his head.

04 2012

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