Monday, September 30, 2013

Lily Rolled Over

I don't recall how old Jamisen was when he rolled over (and if you think I have the luxury of 5 minutes to look back over old blog posts to figure that out, you'd be wrong) but Lily has already rolled over from front to back. Wowzers! You can clearly see the look of intelligence in her eyes, right?

Of course, maybe that look is just because she's just so at home in her Uncle Erik's arms...

Jamisen has learned the art of stalling. When it's time for bed, "I am hungry! I want to take a bath! I want to arrange my cars! I need that one train that can be only be found downstairs in a specific box!" Chris has caught onto his little game. 

One of the funny things Jamisen is saying lately is: "Lily is adorable! She is precious!" It is seriously the sweetest thing of all time. Then, he tries to kiss her on the lips. That just looks a little awkward but he is showing great love and affection towards his sister. 

That doesn't mean we're not still getting our fair share of hit'n'runs with his little toddler self but overall, he is hilariously sweet and kind. When she cries, he loves to smother her with a giant hug. When she quits breathing, and therefore quits crying, he immediately proclaims, "I calmed her down! I calmed her down." Yes, Jamisen, you did. 

I'll end with this hilarious story I got from a girlfriend this morning: I never got to ask you how Lily is doing.  How is she?  Send a current picture when you can.  I meant to share a funny story with you when I saw you.  I got your thank you note before I moved from Yakima to Troutdale, but you must have still been in that new mommy, sleep deprived haze.  The note card was empty inside (unless you wrote in invisible ink).  I knew it was from you (because of the return address) and I appreciated getting the note card because I knew you received the gift.  

Actual sleep logged one night last week. And you wonder why I send empty envelopes. 
Joking aside, I thought I had been managing so well. This reminds me of a girlfriend that told me the last go-round that she just smiled when I repeated stories after the baby was born because I was so tired. Really, both instances, I truly thought I had been keeping it all together. 

Grandma came up last week as Chris was in Saudi. Grandpa did not (despite the fake photo evidence; the photo is so good that I couldn't not put it on the blog). I was so thankful for Grandma and all of her help. The kids love her and I love having her. My blessings are multiplied whenever she is around. 

To end on a sweet note, this is the artwork that came home from school with Jamisen last week. And then? See the note from the teacher below:

Seriously, tear jerking. That kid is such a sweetie. =))) And it makes me grin from ear to ear.

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