Monday, February 3, 2014

Tear Ducts Running with Snot

We hosted a fun play date at our house last weekend - Ava and her big sister Kailey came over to make crafts and jump on the jumping bed. They made lovely princess wands and Jamisen made ("made" being a complete lie; he sat back and delegated all the production to Kai and I) little polar bear mitts. The kids had a wonderful time together. It is so nice how easily the two play together.

Jamisen wanted to send Ava a card so we designed a lovely card and he dictated it to me. It went something like: "Dear Ava. I like playing with you. I played "Feed the Woozle", with my hands. I like you." or something like that. He actually said "I love you," and I edited that for him. No need to scare her or her parents at this stage in their relationship.

Lily is able to sit up on her own (clapping all around) and has started to alllllmost crawl. She rocks back and forth on all fours and this morning, she actually managed to propel herself forward for like half a scooch. We are struggling with the messaging of 'sharing' around food. He thoughtfully pinches off little pieces of food and tries to shove them in her mouth. All this says to me is "CHOKING HAZARD" so we've flat out told him no feeding her. He still tried to share his cheese with her tonight. So sweetly misguided.

We have torn apart the basement in the search of organization.

Chris and Jamisen worked hard to put stainless steel shelving and a lovely laminate floor in the storage area. Now, we just have to organize to organize! There is so much editing and Goodwilling and culling that needs to happen before we even get to put things into the soon-to-be-perfectly-organized room. Grandma Faiola is visiting this week and it's sure to give her a full on heart attack. This blog should serve as a heads up to all who enter the basement: it's a heart-stopping mess.

I'm really not sure how the above photo happened. It was 9 a.m., with 16 degree weather outside, and all of a sudden, Chris asks for marshmallows. I didn't think to ask what for. Clearly, I should have because four seconds later, he and Mr. Toddler were roasting marshmallows, outside, at 9 a.m. in 16 degree weather. That certainly puts a new twist on 'breakfast of champions.'

Little Lily has been getting over a cold so horrible that she has snot running out of her tear ducts. Her tear ducts, people! If you look closely, you can see the snot in the right eye in the above photo. Doctor Grandpa Faiola says it shows bad parenting. We were relieved it was that and not something more serious. In the meantime, until our parenting gets up to snuff, she isn't sleeping well and is fighting a fever. And she puked tonight but it's tough to say if that was different puke than baby spit up or actual puking. She is whiny and sad which makes us sad.

Jamisen is such a sweet little boy. We are so enjoying his little personality coming through every day. He is an effervescent delight, with an easy smile, a hilarious sense of humor and just amazing language skills. If Chris and I speak crossly to each other, he says "Don't talk like that. Mommy, don't talk like that." And, the other day he said to me, "Mommy, you're a piece of work." I know Lily will eventually given him a run for his money if her squeals and peals are any indication of how chatty she will be.

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