Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Meanwhile, Back in the 'Ham

Spring is here. Spring is here! We've seen multiple days of sun (Jamisen would help expound on this point by saying, "Are you kidding me?!"). Though it's cold, outdoor activities have been our friend.

Little Lily has two beautiful bottom teeth. They are fully out and she loves to smile her gummy grin and bite on everything and anything. She has been a little more sad now that she's been teething and some more difficult nights but overall, remains easy going and cheerful.

We were so happy that our friend Allison visited from Spokane. We took a trip to the newly renovated Boulevard Park and met Aunty Cheriss there. She is five months pregnant and though she claims she is showing, her fitness levels put my non-pregnant self to shame.  We find out if we're getting a niece or nephew soon (niece niece niece!) and can't wait. Either way, Uncle Erik and Aunty Cheriss get all of the hand-me-downs for both children b/c of course, they'll need those for the second child.

Mr. Bugaboo is loving his shower time lately. We've set up a mini shower for him so he can just shower off, stand there and wash h is hair and control the water flow. He still does love the occasional bath still, happily exclaiming, "I'm swimming Mommy! I'm swimming!"

Lily LOVES her solid food now. She is a control girl, and is much happier with solid food than she is with spoon fed pablum. She is transitioning from baby to toddler.

Grandma visited last week while Chris was in Saudi Arabia. Thanks Grandma! We went walking daily, even in the rain. Jamisen loved being outside. Lily tolerated it. Notice his superhero raincoat? It's hilarious since he's never seen a superhero comic book or video before.

Grandma has boundless energy and kept up with two kids with ease. It's amazing to see how much Jamisen just adores hanging out with her and runs to her whenever he sees her. It warms my heart.

Chris is the more permissive parent when it comes to food choices and this morning was particularly bad. He took Jamisen out in pajamas to buy a chocolate donut for breakfast. Jamisen is clearly on board with this decision and so happy about it. As for me, if my face freezes in this frown of disapproval, it would be a very bad thing.

Bramble Berry expanded its business a bit last week, acquiring a website and software design company. It's a new phase in our growth plan and we're excited to have a new business to sink our teeth into.

Lily is a little motoring baby, crawling everywhere now and climbing up on things. She is not happy to sit still any longer. Ah, our little baby no longer .... it's bittersweet.

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