Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Babies Being Babies

Ah, another week, another exciting set of milestones for the kiddos. Lily has started climbing on EVERYTHING (and by everything, I mean, scaling the oven and trying to climb over the railing to tumble down the stairs). The kid has no fear, despite her Grandpa Faiola claiming she has just as much sense as a mountain-climbing goat and will not tumble off. We all hope.

Jamisen and Lily both love Mac 'n' Cheese about as much as any kid does, which is to say "a lot a lot a lot." If we would let them, they would gladly have it for both meals. They both have 'standy things' now so they can eat at opposite ends of the counter and giggle at each other. Lily loves to get into Jamisen's standy thing and steal his leftovers.

Lily also loves Jamisen's Goldfish Crackers and happily absconds with his bag at any and every chance she gets.

Jamisen has started Montessori school. We had a work party and Jamisen just dug in (literally) to help. He was happy to work on filling up wheelbarrows with fill to help his Dad spread in the playground. We're excited about his new school - and we know he is too. He just came home today with the barest knowledge of  the "I Spy" game ("I spy something orange!" "Is it the pumpkin?" "No but it's near the pumpkin!" "Is it the orange leaf?!!" "Yes!"). Yay for a new school and new games.

Jamisen remains our non-sleeping child. He fights sleep. FIGHTS it and will do anything he can to stay up. The other night, he was delaying and stalling until past 10. Until ... this. He just fell asleep in the doorway. Silly boy.

Baby Lily is curious and totally confused by Baby Alise. She isn't sure what to do with this new baby. She spent a lot of time just examining her before trying to rock her car seat.

Grandpa is soooooo happy to have a new baby to hold. For that matter, we all are! None of us want to put baby Alise down or share her at all when we have her. She is soooooo precious. Also, very smart. And strong. She is going to be our Olympian. We can already tell.

 Jamisen just loves baby Alise. He adores her. And loves to hold her, and pet her, and kiss her. Oh he loves to kiss her. He is sweetly affectionate. 

Baby Lily loves her newest perch on Grandpa's neck. She coughed three times in celebration, leaving him with a disgusting, drool-filled hairstyle.

Jamisen's true love remains Ava. He talks about her frequently. I wish they were going to the same school because Ava is a calming influence on Jamisen.

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