Wednesday, November 26, 2014

We've discovered music and salmon!

Happy Fall! We took a tour of the happy salmon fishing (well, salmon holding vessel) the Hokum. Jamisen was in awe of the giant tank that the hold the fish in and even got a tour of the engine room. Chris was in mortal terror that Lily would get hurt because the ship wasn't exactly child proofed! Captain Dwight even sent us home with smoked salmon caught right off his ship when it was out to see in Alaska!

We did our annual Christmas photo shoot - and I can hardly wait to see the finished product and order Christmas cards. 

Jamisen is a big big helper in the kitchen and loves to cook. He enjoys working with his hands, seeing how materials work and is getting better with his manual dexterity every day. 

Lily remains a cheerful and delightful child. She loves talking now and babbles all day. Her big words are "No, 'nana, more, and good'. It's such a joy watching her communicate and try new words. She consistently tries to mimic what we say; it's adorable. And now that she can say "No", she really is getting clear in her boundaries, especially when she doesn't want to stop playing to change her diaper for example! =)

The weather in the PNW has gotten rainy but it's still beautiful for hiking. It's been about 40-50 degrees and easy to hike in as long as you're bundled up. This is my friend, and banker (!), Dimi. 

We love this little dress. I am pretty sure that Grandma Kelly gave it to us and I'm hoping it's a hand-me-down from Aunty Anamarie. 

Jamisen has discovered music! He loves loves loves listening to an iPod that I have fillllled to the brink with children's, classical and Christmas music. The other day, he actually just listened to music for a good 4 hours. Straight. Given that Chris and I are singers, we wouldn't be surprised if he's naturally musical. 

Though Chris has introduced Jamisen to cartoons on his iPhone, Jamisen still loves reading. Nanny McKenna is a big fan of reading and it's a beautiful thing. She's been with our family almost 4 years and we love having her as a trusted family member. 

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