Saturday, January 24, 2015

Family Bowling & Baby Turtles

Just like Daddy =) Lily is such a sweet little monkey-see, monkey-do, both with mimicking words and with her actions.

When we were in Mexico, the girls and I were beyond amazed and just in awe as we watched a newly hatched baby turtle make it out of his nest and go all the way down to the water. It took a long time and boy oh boy, that little turtle had to work SO hard. Every divot was like a mountain for him/her and every little bit of uneven ground needed to an extra spurt of energy to move over.

We hiked every day and swam every day as well. It was great to be active daily.

Back at home, before I left for Mexico, we were so happy that Cheriss and Erik arranged for us to all go bowling at a private bowling alley in Whatcom County. It's actually located in someone's home (!!!).

Baby Alise was awake for part of the festivities and amazingly, managed to take a short nap during all the ball clanging.

Team Cherik is really looking good with the addition of baby Alise.

Jamisen LOVED bowling. He kept saying "I want to go back! I want to go back!" after we left. Of course, it helps that he had the bumpers in when he was bowling.

Even Lily got in on the action, pushing or trying to kick 6 pound balls down the lane.

She also really was excited because there was some junk food at the party - cake and chips - and her sense were on full overload happiness.

The entire bowling team with the Faiolas and Bosseants posing proudly and planning their strikes.

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