Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Cousin Jealousy is Normal

Big news in Handmade Beauty Box land: I filmed a segment on Fox News about Handmade Beauty Box and how we launched on Kickstarter. The segment hasn't come out yet but I'm hopeful that we did justice to our awesome brand.

My Mastermind Group met last week and had a hilariously wonderful time coming up with 100 things we want to do (ah, the bucket list!) before we die. It is surprisingly hard to come up with a list of 100 things, unless you just open up a travel magazine and list all the great places to visit that they list. Some of the notables on my list include visiting Greece, doing a family trip to the Galapogos Islands, Disneyland with the family, and learning to cook Thai food. In Thailand. And, duh, meeting the President of the United States.

Visiting the Starbucks Roastery with my Renegade Business Forum was amazing. Every detail was perfect and so much had been thought about in terms of  'the experience'. It's very much the Disneyland of Coffee.

Jamisen and I made meatballs - FROM SCRATCH - the other day. It was super exciting. He decided to put bath fizzies in his meatball recipe. And water. And baking soda. Soooooo ..... that was fun.

Jamisen and I also had a hilarious conversation yesterday. It went like this: "Mommy, I don't like it when I get a new toy and you make me pay for it." It was such a funny perspective. Here I thought we were really making a connection for him and really, all he gets is: whenever I get a new toy, I'll have to pay for it.

We've had Baby Alise over for a visit to give Erik and Cheriss a date night. Baby Lily was VERY concerned that Alise had her pacifier at all times; it was almost like she was like: "Look lady, they give you this thing ALL THE TIME and you are WASTING your opportunity! Use it! Use it! Because, one day, you will only get it at night. And then look at Jamisen, he never gets one. Do not waste a moment, not a moment!"

More binky help ...

Do you see the look that baby Lily is shooting baby Alise? It's clearly a "Hey girlfriend, don't get too comfortable here. Notice who is IN the lap and who is on the floor? That's right, Chickee. And I'm here to stay. Also, bigger. I am bigger."

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