Monday, March 23, 2015

Will Work for Chocolate

This is the best gift that keeps on going. Anyone that reads this blog (all five of you) knows that the one fourth of the Faiola Renoud household has a funny philosophy on sugar: it's poison. Seriously bad for you. If you want sugar, enjoy an apple. Juice is arsenic in a glass ... according to me. Chris will forever be the 'favorite parent' because he doles out M&M's like I dole out kale chips. The kids could not have been more thrilled when Grandma Kelly and Grandpa Winston brought them the most exquisite chocolate advent calenders that you have ever seen. Made with luxurious handmade chocolates, with stunning packaging (gold foil! gold embossed foil!), the kids are slowly eating their way through the delicious treat.  Three months after Christmas, Jamisen is up to Day 10 and Lily is on Day 5. I'm glad that Grandma and Grandpa Renoud are teaching the kids about the finer things in life. Good chocolate is an acquired taste worth having. And, it's fine to go slow.

Jamisen has been doing this odd thing with his eyes - he opens them SUPER WIDE when he's reading or concentrating - so we were worried that he had dry eyes and needed eye drops. He was a real trooper for the visit to the pediatric ophthalmologist and I was proud of him. For the record, he has an astigmatism but otherwise, his eyes appear to be in perfect shape.

Tractors are for girls too! Go Lily!

Jamisen did his first Home Depot class and it was a hit! He got to work with a hammer, nails, glue, wood and paint. I'd say it's a winning strategy from Home Depot. We ended up spending money because we were all in the store - and it was super fun too. What a great field trip!

Remember that passport visit? This is what the kids did for 45 minutes - quietly waited with goldfish crackers (Lily) and suckers (Jamisen). They got compliments from everyone in the office. It was a proud moment - and one we need to remember since often their behavior is not so angelic and cooperative at home. We love our little ones no matter what, good and bad, easy and hard, angelic and not.

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