Thursday, December 24, 2015

All I Want for Christmas

The kids were so happy to visit with Santa at City Hall. Lily is in an amazing handknit sweater that was originally given to Jamisen. It has worn beautifully so now Lily gets to enjoy it.

Lily doesn't understand what Santa is really about so she didn't have much to ask Santa for.
But she sure was happy to hang out with Santa to talk to. We hope this is a temporary aberration and she doesn't decide that sitting on men's laps and whispering into their ears is a normal and good thing.

Jamisen saw Santa and immediately knew what to do. He hopped right up and said, "Santa, I want a truck that has pedals and a red and a green go/stop button." Parents heard this and scrambled.
Lily was very enamored by the tea set and really wants one. Grandma has one for her for when she's a little older.

The other day, Lily ate play dough and kept eating it and eating it so finally I said, "Lily, if you keep eating that, you'll get a tummy ache!" She kept eating it and pretty soon, Jamisen started crying. When I asked him why, he said "Because if she gets a tummy ache, she might DIE! So, I want her to quit eating it." Oh .... sweetie. 

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