Monday, April 4, 2016

Montessori School Visit

I was so excited to do a school visit with Jamisen. Chris did a school visit a couple months ago and came away so excited by how much Jamisen was learning and how he interacted within the school. It's fun to see a different side of him - the little man side of him =)  Right now, he's learning letters, numbers and the fundamentals of math and reading. He is doing great (!).

His teacher Yuki (above) complimented us on working on Jamisen's letters and numbers and sounds at home. I felt proud when she said that. =)

The kiddos visited me at work and loved being big helpers. They're a fan of my office because there is always hidden candy, toys and so much activity =)

It's never too early to start talking to the kids about planning their families for timing and spacing so this morning, I was talking to Jamisen about how all the best things in life take planning (like his birthday party ... when he asked me why there were wrapped presents in the garage a month before his birthday). I said something like, "Another thing that Daddy and I planned for was you and Lily. We wanted to have children and talked about it for a long time and planned when it would be best to have you." And Jamisen looked up and said, "Mama, I thought about joining your family for a long time too."
Books remain a huge part of our household - though we did just go through and find the board books that the kids had outgrown to give away or resell. Of course, we will carefully and lovingly go through and find some to save for our own grandkids and store. =)

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