Sunday, October 16, 2016

Fossil Hunting

Our little family went on the most death defying hike (ever) in search of fossils. One of Chris's (child-free) friends told us about this great hike. We of course convinced baby Alise and her Mommy to come with us so it was 3 adults and 3 toddlers, one who wasn't walking all that steady yet.

We slipped and we slid our way down the mountain until finally, we got to the bottom. It wasn't our most wise expedition with kids but Jamisen really had the most amazing time with his hammer, chipping away and finding actual real-deal fossils. In a couple years, we might go back but for now, the memory of slipping and sliding down the hill in fear is firmly embedded in the adult's minds.

I love school drop-off with the kids. The other day, I was taking Lily to school and she randomly said, out of the blue, "When I grow up I will be married. When Jamisen grows up, he will be married."

I hedged my bets on that and said, "That's possible if you find someone you want to spend your time with that is worthy of you.

Then she asked, "Will I be a baby again?" I answered truthfully and said she would not be a baby again but she may wish to have babies of her own when she got older. Again, I hedged and said, "Mommy and Daddy wanted you and Jamisen and so we made the choice to have you and planned when we had you. To have a baby or not is a choice you will get to make when you are older."

And she said, "That is a choice I want to make."

Mic drop.

Jamisen has been learning numbers at school and loves to stay awake "reading" in his room at night. He's in the Montessori school system so isn't reading quite yet but he will be soon and when those synapses click and wire together, he is going to be a reader reader reader.

He continues to fight with his desire to dominate, his desire to please and his genuine desire to be a sweet, kind, loving little boy. His sister and he remain the best of friends, even when he pushes her or she pushes him. She is forever cheerful and loving, and quick to forgive. As all my friends with older kids say, "Little kids. Little problems. Big kids. Big problems." So, I'll take these "problems" any day.

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