Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Hawks, the Mayor, and Leprechauns

Our little ones are growing so fast! Jamisen and Lily have been happily prepping for March by getting inspired by their inner leprechaun. Jamisen is super proud of the ceramics he painted at CreativiTea, thanks to a present from Bob and Audra. He painted a big mug, a mini mug and an orca-bank. 

But while the original leprechaun was away (at school), his mini-me played. And play she did by mischievously putting on Jamisen's entire leprechaun outfit. Manny Jason is back and Lily is especially thrilled about it.   He caught this adorable photo and documented it for posterity.

But after school, Jamisen was in full control of his dress-up costume and turned into a full Narcissus in front of the mirror for a bit. Jamisen has been super proud of himself lately because his bladder has finally outgrown his body and he's staying dry at night. We didn't realize how much it bugged him until he made such a big deal about staying dry for multiple nights. In addition to staying totally dry for a bit in a row, he's starting to show some understanding about household chores, including doing his sister's so she doesn't get in trouble. That's been sweet to see but definitely not the point of teaching Lily had to be a great member of our family. =)

Lily and my bestie Jody have a very sweet, special relationship. Their artistic personalities mesh beautifully together and Jody is one of Lily's favorite non-family members. We were so happy when Jody invited us to her lovely home to watch the Seahawks Game and celebrate sports, friendship and our amazing football team. 

We put lots of toys in Lily's back-pack but she didn't need any toys to distract her. She had the best time climbing all over Jody and Jody was a good sport about it. One of the reasons that I adore Jody is that she is the most positive "glass half full" person I have ever met. Lily is such a naturally happy little human too so I think that's why they connect so well. Where Jamisen has been staying dry, Lily has continued to have her bladder-control mystery. We continue to work on it and hope she grows out of it. She doesn't like having accidents either =(

Bellingham's first female mayor is one of my besties and she recently did an early morning talk at a professional women's networking group. My half-marathon partner Patrice and I went to go hear her speak. Yes, we already know her story but whenever we can, our close-knit group of women support each other. It was a great way to start the day and very inspiring to be in the group of such high-energy go-getters. 

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