Sunday, March 19, 2017

Two More Funny Arizona Photos + School Photos

We almost forgot these great Arizona photos. They've put in a GIANT aquarium in the middle of the Arizona dessert and of course, we spent the day there with the kids. They have cold water animals (penguins) and lots of warmer, tropical animals (sharks, colorful fish).

They also have a photographer at the entrance to ensure that they wrench every last dollar out of our pockets. It worked. And now we're getting every last amazing drop of awesome out of the photos by putting them here.

Also, in other photos I was remiss in putting up, school photos! They are both thriving at school and are loving the self-directed nature of their school day. Jamisen especially is excelling and Lily is learning patience.

Lily is really working on hand eye coordination. Her teacher tells us she knows everyone's name and is a social butterfly. She is ridiculously mischievous with a sweet bent and has such a sweet cackle when she gets away with something. It makes it awfully hard to discipline her as the parent when you're struggling to contain your laughter.

Jamisen is starting to read now (!) and can easily sound out short 3 letter words (mat, cat, bat, hat etc). He does not love the actual practice (work) part of learning to read and spends more time whining about the actual exercises than the reading time but we'll get there. 

He is taking piano lessons and does better at practicing piano than he does his reading lessons. He is extremely musical and gravitates towards anything that involves a tune. 

In fact, he's been cast as a starring role in the community children's theater of Aristocats. He is playing the part of Roquefort, the mouse that saves all the kidnapped kitties. Like reading, practicing his lines is not something he is deeply in love with but we're getting there. 

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