Monday, November 13, 2017

Pumpkin Patch Forays of Fun

Oh we were SO happy to go to the pumpkin patch with the kiddos and family this year. Aunty Cheriss found a new farm that was (dare I say it?) (whispers) better than the one we normally go to.

There were multiple +1 reasons that we loved this farm: 1) an entire fenced in tactile area for kids that had rubber ducky water experiment/races, a bouncing area and some other sensory experiences. 

2) Um, rain barrel cars? Yes. The kids were just delighted to go on this farm contraption and loved every second of being in the driver's seat (and how clever are these little cars that each kid gets to be in the driver's seat?!)

Lily and I had the most adorable exchange this morning at breakfast. I made her two egg banana pancakes and rolled them up like little crepes.  I put them on a plate, and when I gave them to her, said: "I'm giving you two egg banana pancakes but if you don't want to eat both of them, your brother might want one." As she took the plate, she said, "Thank you Mama. You're so generous." Then she spun on her little sassy Lily heel and flounced off. She has so much verve, that little one.

We just did parent teacher conferences. Lily's went well. She's got a best-best friend named 'Thomas' and she and Thomas are so close that they often have to be separated at circle time. Apparently, they sit so close that you couldn't fit a paper between them but that's not the issue. The issue is that they talk to each other but then the other one shushes the talker, extremely loudly. "Shhhhh! You're talking too loud!" "I know! Be quiet! I'll talk more quiet!" "You're not talking more quiet!" "I know, because you haven't stopped talking yet!" and so on. 

Jamisen's parent teacher conference was good beyond expectations. This is his first year in the 6 to 9 year old classroom and he's in first grade. He's being introduced to a whole host of new things (including scheduling his day, Spanish, yoga, math and reading). It was wonderful to hear the teacher talk about how self-aware Jamisen is for his age, how diligent he is in the classroom, how hard he works and how impressed she is with his natural industrious and self-driven nature.

Chris continues to be the hilarious goofball of the family and our children seem to have picked up that wry, dry sense of humor. They've definitely got the Funny Face skill down!

Jamisen is an incredible helper lately. He's always had a genuine desire to be helpful but it's been amped to the next level. The other night, we hosted friends over for dinner and he insisted on setting the entire table himself, right down to the thoughtful napkin choices for adults vs kids and name tags on the place settings. 

The kids play so nicely together and Lily and Jamisen have both started caring for each other (as opposed to just Jamisen taking care of Lily). So when one is in a bad mood - so long as the other one didn't cause it - they try to cheer each other up. It's kind, thoughtful and compassionate. 

The entire family very much enjoyed the pumpkin patch and it was so nice that Grandma and Grandpa Faiola could be with us for the excursion. 

There was a cool horse drawn old fashioned carriage that the kids liked riding in. 

Baby Alise is so easy going and fun. Her language skills are coming along rapidly and it's fun to hear her interact with the kids. It's also super nice from an adult standpoint to know what she wants or needs when she asks for things. She and Lily especially loved playing with the rabbits at the farm and got right in the cage with them (alas, no great photos of that). 

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