Sunday, December 10, 2017

Lily has Moxie for Miles

We have had a busy fall - between business travel (NYC, DC, and Hallmark in Cali for me; Saudi for Chris), we also fit in a really lovely event at our home, supporting Washington State Governor Jay Inslee. I was literally home for ONE night in between trips and that was the night we squeezed this fun event in. 

It was Lily's first exposure to a political event. Typically, she has gone to a friend's house when we host because her young energy can be just a tad um ... energetic for a formal political event. All the speechifying doesn't do well with a mischievous though adorable little attention seeker in the midst. But, this summer, we went to a fundraiser at a lovely old home in Fairhaven and they had a nanny present and, lots of little kids running around. It really helped lower the average age of attendees because parents could actually come.  And Chris and I both feel strongly about opening channels of communications for all demographics to our elected officials So, with Jay's blessing, we decided to try it. It totally worked! The fundraiser was filled with young, active, skeptical people who asked great questions and kept the party lively. 

Showing all the moxie one would expect from Lily Leah Renoud, our little whirling dervish of energy zcgreeted the Governor with a high five. 

At this point, the kiddos have met all of our Washington State Federal Delegation (House and Senate). I have vague but positive memories of my parents hosting political events or issue-based salons at our home when I was very young (albeit, I don't think they were hosting them for liberal politicians or causes ... cough cough). I'm hoping that this idea of community responsibility resonates with our kiddos long after they're grown. After all, electing people that reflect our values to office isn't just a one-day thing (aka: election day in November). It's an every-day thing and continuing conversations and education. 

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