Tuesday, February 8, 2011


We went to a Superbowl Party on Sunday night (thanks Bob and Audra!) at a beautiful home overlooking Bellingham. This beautiful home comes complete with a viewing movie screen room (with the seats that vibrate with the throbbing of gunfire and explosions). The viewing room is also fully carpeted for half way up the walls.

Chris and I were sitting in the back row, watching the Superbowl when some new guests came. They had two young boys - one was maybe 4 years old. And the 4 year old took one look at the padded room and (I kid you not), starting running back and forth in between the carpeted walls, slamming into the wall, and running to the other one. Bang. Pause. Run.  Bang. Pause. Run. Bang. Pause. Run. Bang. Pause. Run.

Back and forth, we watched this adorable little blond haired boy running back and forth. For THIRTY minutes. He never tired. He only stopped when his Daddy cajoled him to stop and gave him something better (a huge exercise ball to drag around and knock things off tables with).

I covered my womb with both of my hands, and with fear in my heart, whispered, "Don't look little baby, don't look. That is a bad influence. Don't look."

My son, in case it is not entirely clear, is going to love reading books and sitting quietly when faced with the glory that is multiple padded walls. He will be happy to sit quietly and read, perhaps glancing up to share something interesting from his book, in the form of complete sentences of course. And never interrupting. Never.

I wonder what sort of Faustian deal I need to make with God to achieve this ....?


Unknown said...

Keep those kids' phone number handy because you're going to want to hang out with friends with crazy kids like yours (all kids are crazy, btw). Then you won't be worried that your kids are bothering the childless friends in the group.
That's what we did for Super Bowl - hung out with our other parent friends. It was great! No worries about being too noisy or obnoxious! :)

Lisa McShane said...

Uh huh. Sweet, calm, quiet...Won't it be interesting to see?