Monday, June 6, 2011

Baby Update + Videos

We had a super fun family photo shoot this week for the Bellingham Business Journal. They sent their best photographer, Chad DeRosa to do some shots at our house. You can't tell but that's our back deck and the chair? It was built by Bramble Berry's awesome COO, Norman, as a housewarming gift. There's a matching set and we love 'em (especially now that the sun is coming out in Washington state).

Lil' Man is doing **so** much better now that we've got the gas problem under control (yes, I'm still off dairy and all cruciferous vegetables, doing baby chiro with him, small amounts of probiotics for him and feeding him 100% breastmilk with no supplementation) and we are having **so** much fun with him. He's just starting to gurgle, coo and shriek in delight. We're routinely getting smiles and just waiting for that first peal of laughter.
May 2011
His personality is starting to come through. He is very chill, very easy going and absolutely loves his shower time with Daddy (for that matter, his clear preference in parents is for Daddy right now). He's also a big fan of both sets of Grandparents (photos with Grandma and Grandpa Renoud coming soon). We are so lucky to have such a supportive family on both sides.
June 6 2011
(Videos below - if you're on email and not reading this online, you'll need to click through here to be taken to the videos)

Daddy calms Jamisen down by playing James Brown for him. It's quite funny.

Lil Man is also getting some leg strength and some serious neck strength. He is adorable when he's doing tummy time - he just kicks his little legs and is either delighted and falling asleep on his tummy or angrily kicking his legs out and demanding to know why I've plopped him unceremoniously on the floor. =)


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