Sunday, June 26, 2011

Jamisen Update - 2 Months Old!

Proving himself to be his stubborn Mama's son, Jamisen has decided he likes his bottle more than he likes my breasts. He is apparently the only man in America who might make that choice and I hope that it does not bode badly for his future choices when it comes to women.

He always clasps his hands. It's precious. 
According to the books and Dr. Google, it's because I've let him use his pacifier (that's 'binky' to him, by the way) too much. However, taking it away seems like it might be too traumatizing to us all. Yes, we're weak. Yes, at 2 months of age, he's calling the shots already.

June 2011
Yes, he's 2 months old!
I've gotten various advice from "Starve him into submission" to "I pumped for 8 months and bottle-fed, you can do it too." [for the record, no, no I can't] to "This is the first battle of the wills. Don't let him win!" And if Mr. Renoud Jr. thinks that he has a stronger willpower than me, he's got another thing coming. The boob is coming back. And it's coming back into his reality in a big way.

I dare you to starve this face into submission!
If I can wake up with Jamisen at 6:00 a.m. (a big IF), I love reading to him. The morning time is when he is his most smiley and his most happy. His favorite book is 'Baby's Very First Animal Book'. While it maybe seem just a wee bit simplistic to those of us reading for longer than 2 months, he focuses intently on the animals, the single word identifying said animals and seems to appreciate my extra commentary. Things like "And Penguins like to live in very cold places. They mate for life!" said in a happy sing-song voice are going to get him into Harvard. I'm just sure of it.

June 2011
I got this book at a secondhand store.  He loves Mr. Owl finger puppet book too!
I swear, today he almost turned over during tummy time. He gets frustrated very quickly when he doesn't 'get' something right away - whether it's turning over or breastmilk quick enough or us to pick him up quickly.

June 2011
Being watched over by a friend

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