Thursday, March 22, 2012

Baby Needs a Haircut

We've also had a splendiferous week at home. Jamisen is just starting to really acknowledge that the gibberish coming out of his parents' mouths has meaning. The video below is a twofer: he appears to understand English and he shakes his little baby booty.

Jamisen is also well past 10 months old now so I've been remiss in not sharing his 10 month photo shoot photos with you. Behold our rapidly growing little person. Yes, I recognize that his hair is getting long but seriously, how do you cut a baby's hair?! No really. That seems like a disaster and/or missing ear waiting to happen.

My creation

He is just as happy as ever though has added a new facet to his personality: impatience. If we don't feed him fast enough, we hear about it. If we don't let him play with our cell phones, he tells us in no uncertain terms that he expects to play with cell phones and not those silly kids toys. Luckily, he recovers quickly and with a small distraction, he's back to his normal, smiley self - cell phone or no cell phone! This month, I'm excited to start up family sit down evening meals again since Jamisen's finger food abilities have improved so rapidly in the last 30 days. If you have any thoughts on hair cutting for babies, I'd love to hear them - it seems fraught with potential peril!

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