Sunday, March 25, 2012

Wait! What is that Orb?!


Hello from the end of a wonderful weekend. We had a great two days with family. I made the epic "Oh She Glows" Kale Weekend Salad (my go-to salad for everything now - it even has Goji berries. I know! You're sold, right?!) and Grandma and Grandpa Faiola contributed by making an insanely weird/cool Ricotta Carrot Quiche (trust me, it worked). I also made an (epic?) Browned Butter Butterscotch Pie that will get its own blog post. Grandma and Grandpa Faiola were, as usual, completely over the moon about their only Grandbaby and got up two mornings in a row at 6 a.m. so they could spend extra time with their Jamisen and Chris and I could sleep in (heaven and thank you!).


We visited Otion where Jamisen had fun with soap.


It was especially lovely to see the great job Kat and crew have done at the full remodel of the store (new paint, new set up, new carpet, new flooring). Read more about their remodel here.


Since it's starting to show some sun in Bellingham (wait, did I jinx that?! I'm pretty sure it just started raining!), we did get to go outside. Jamisen was excited about the new sight of a big yellow orb in the sky.

Playdate with Eliza Rose

We also had our first play date. Jamisen LOVED Ms. Eliza Rose (who is an older woman at almost a week older than him). This is the kitchen cabinet drawer that we have just for Jamisen to play with. He was happy to share his toys and tools with Ms. Eliza. Also, as an older woman, she is walking. He crawled extremely speedily after her all over our house. It was adorable.

Playdate with Eliza Rose

He shared his cracker with her which elicited "Awwwwwws" from all of the adults in the house (yes, that's why his hands are shoved inside her mouth, perilously close to her teeth). He was quite happy to share his toys which made me extremely hopeful for future play dates.

Playdate with Eliza Rose

We were SO delighted to have Ms. Eliza and her Mama over and we're hoping we can do a repeat play date next weekend. Since Jamisen is an only child (for now!), we really want him to play with other children as much as possible to get some socialization skills. First play date was an unqualified success!

Playdate with Eliza Rose

Ms. Eliza Rose's Mama is my friend Rachel. We've been in book club for over a decade now. She and I got pregnant right at the same time, went to the same yoga classes and are now enjoying sharing parenting stories and milestone stories. Ms. Eliza Rose seems to be hitting the major milestones about 6 weeks ahead of Jamisen so it's nice to have a preview of what we're in for!

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