Monday, June 25, 2012

Mini Vacation to the Coast

Jamisen has officially gone on strike from long car rides. This is unfortunate since our vacation for the year is 4 hours away, one way.

So far, it's only rained a bit (fingers crossed). When it did rain, Jamisen was deflated. He stared longingly out the window.
Jamisen is walking (with help) like a champ. We try to find playgrounds wherever we go. Jamisen has a lot of excess energy that it's good to try to walk and play off (or deal with the consequences later).
 He was a little leery of the whole swinging thing but it was his first time on a swing and he did okay - about a minute worth before he asked to be taken out.
 He loved steering the ship:
 Beach fun! Jamisen loves the birds. Video below (remember, you have to click through to the blog to watch the video):
 Jamisen was so excited about the beach, the birds, and all of the new sounds and sights. He walked and even tried to run for a bit. And then, when he was done, he simply sat down. No warning. Just 'thunk!' and he was done. Thankfully, he has a doting Daddy who is always happy to carry his beautiful boy.

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