Sunday, July 15, 2012

Seaweed and Sand

Grandma and Grandpa Faiola came up to visit this weekend. We did our traditional early morning hike both days. Grandpa really loved packing Jamisen for almost 2 miles up the trail. Grandpa proved to be quite a warrior, with nary a complaint over the 25-pound-weight on his shoulders. July 2012 
 Jamisen was delighted to use his newfound walking abilities (7 days and counting since he started walking!) on the beach. He looks like he's running but he's mostly just tottering to find his balance: July 2012 
Proving he is all boy, he wanted to go straight into the water. July 2012 
 Jamisen tried to share some of his newfound treasures with me (sand dollar encrusted with seaweed). It was slimy and gross. I'll do a lot for my son but pretending to eat that harvested sea cuisine is not one of them.
 July 2012 
 Grandma continues to be charmed by Mr. Jamisen and for the record, preferred Grandpa's neck instead of the Baby Bjorn ride.
 July 2012 
When Grandma and Grandpa visit, we've developed a routine for Saturdays that involves a trip to Farmer's Market. I love this photo because of how oddly we all match. Also, are Jamisen's shorts not the cutest ever? He looks like he's ready to go golfing! You can't tell but he's got baby-sized Crocs on. July 2012

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