Thursday, May 30, 2013

Farm School

Jamisen has been going to farm school for a month now. It's this great little outdoor activity, run by Common Threads Farms. Common Threads runs quite a few school gardens around Whatcom County and they do an amazing job introducing children to healthy eating habits, teaching them where food comes from and generally showing them that nutrition can and should be fun and delicious.
Jamisen loves animals and there are geese, chickens, turkeys, chickens and sheep on the farm (in addition to a garden). It's this little oasis in downtown Fairhaven that's tucked in behind two houses. You wouldn't notice it if you didn't know where to go but they've got an amazing thing going for them.

They cook a meal every single class - sometimes it's with eggs from their chickens. In this case, they were making hummus. No, I don't know if they grew the garbanzo beans. Somehow, I doubt it.

Jamisen chows down! He will eat ANYTHING and everything if he has a hand in making it. We found that out with our green kale juice in the morning =)

Then, they wash their dishes in a makeshift little camping set up. Jamisen knows the routine now.

Yes, Jamisen is eating a raw radish, straight from the garden. He is an adventurous little guy!

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