Saturday, June 22, 2013

Proud of Daddy!

We are all so proud of Daddy. He just finished his first triathlon! He decided to race just 2 weeks ago and did 3 trainings to prep. He did the Lake Padden Triathlon. He raced in the 'Competitive' category and we don't know how he did yet in terms of his overall finish but we do know how he did with his family: he's a winner with us! The race consisted of: Swim 1/2 mile, Bike 21 miles, Run 5.2 miles

Chris wasn't happy with his finish time (2:08) but his family absolutely disagrees. It was an admirable finish for his first triathlon. And, he had some technical difficulties ... his bike chain was off AND he got horrible cramps on the run. His next tri will be a slam dunk.

Big thanks to Uncle Erik for spending his morning with us, helping to wrangle children, find parking spaces and generally be all around awesome.

We had a super fun night with our friends Lisa, Deron and their son Oskar. It turns out that all 2 year old boys like water; or at least our two do!

The boys played extremely well together. Jamisen even mostly shared! He did push poor Oskar over a couple times but then helped him up again (?). It was a strange teamwork thing and Oskar really did amazing with this abuse. He is such an even tempered little guy. 

We really like his parents too so hopefully there will be many play dates in our future. We are so thankful for our yard and our home. It is perfect for hosting people and it's so easy to have a fun time outside.

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