Saturday, May 10, 2014

Jamisen's Birthday More, More, More

Jamisen's birthday was a tractor theme - and it was complete with a tractor themed cake. A few days in advance, we dropped off these lovely tractor'ish things to Haggen in town and they built an amazing 3-D landscape out of frosting. Yes, all frosting. The dump truck? Filled with frosting. The hills? All frosting. And the food coloring? CRAZY blue. This photo does not do it justice.

Knowing that the adults probably would not be all that excited about crazy kiddo cake, I made a Earl Grey Tea Cake with Blueberry frosting (I used freeze dried blueberries to get that color). It was everything you would expect it to be - just sweet enough to say "cake!" but not too over the top. The Earl Grey was really delicious as a base note and provided an excellent foil to the frosting.

Jamisen is so excited to be by Ava, his true love. He had a perma grin on his face for days after the party and talked about her non-stop. 

Daddy lit the candles and we were all relieved when no one caught on fire or burned themselves. There was enough dyed paper products on the table that it was a real concern.

The kids were very good about blowing out the candles and Jamisen actually did blow out the candles. It was impressive that he was able to do the whole waiting thing for the entire happy birthday song and lighting. Maybe this means he would score well on the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment? One can hope. Side note: this does make me wonder if I can set up that same experiment in my home? Maybe Grandpa Faiola and I could devise a way to replicate it.

Even though most of the kiddos parents are like me (really, refined sugar is like cocaine and should not be consumed) they all let their kids eat the cake. I'm sure they were regretting that decision the next day because, eh hem, if their kid's digestive tract is anything like Jamisen's their kid's poop was a bright turquoise.  Whoops! Ah well, what's a great birthday party without a little colored poop?

Happy Birthday Mr. Bugaboo, our 3 year old, fully potty-trained Jamisen.

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