Sunday, October 26, 2014

Pumpkins, Apples and Unreasonably Warm Weather

Oh baby Alise .... we want to see more of you. We can't get enough of your adorable little face and legs. It's great if you bring your Mommy too, of course. In fact, she makes a great hiking buddy. What a treat it was to get away for 90 minutes of girl time with the world's most amenable, sweet baby.

Baby Lily is a little confused about Baby Alise but is happy to spend time with the sweet one; I wonder if she's thinking about sharing her bottle? 

Sweet Jamisen did the most interesting thing the other morning. First, he got up at 5 a.m. on a Saturday morning. This was less interesting and more on the irritating side. Chris and I were firm; he could play quietly but we were not getting up. 

Imagine our surprise when we got up around 7 (when Lily thoughtfully got us up) to find that Jamisen had made an entire tea and coffee stand that he proceeded to sell us delicious sundries. He has now taken my assistant for a quarter (selling her pudding that someone, not I, had purchased for the kids) and has amassed quite a fun little assortment of money. He is very protective of his stand and hates to see Lily in it. His parents much agree, but for reasons other than Jamisen. He stores many, many little treasures inside his stand; many of which are choking hazards. So for now, the back counter of the tea and coffee stand is Lily-free. 

Jamisen's school picture; could he be any more beautiful? We went to a Parent/Teacher informational conference where we learned all about the 'works' that he does in the Montessori system. Tonight, he was counting on both hands when I was doing the "Let's count to 30 while I brush your teeth." When I asked him if his teacher taught him that, he said "Yes!" and was quite proud. He's also mentioned that a classmate, "Chance", knows a certain lesson (or work) that he doesn't know yet. He seems to be thriving in the Montessori system for which we are thankful,and thrilled about.

We went to the Pumpkin Patch last weekend. Jamisen had quite a passion for helping - and clearly the weather was so warm and lovely (in October!) that he was able to go shirtless for his heavy and difficult task. 

Ooooh, which pumpkin to choose?? So many!

Jamisen wasn't the only one getting in on the naked-baby fun; she insisted on taking her shirt AND pants off - and at one point, her diaper. She might have gone diaper-free but for the fear that we would be judged as bad parents (because, somehow, having a diaper on in the middle of October, in the midst of a pumpkin field and amongst a gaggle of fully clothed children seems better.)

Munching an apple that she liberated from the ground, marching to the beat of her own clothing-optional drum. We pray this clothing-optional desire was just a one-time thing, not to last much past her single-digit childhood years. 

Uncle Weston (and Aunt Anna) joined us and Uncle Weston was instrumental to helping to free the pumpkin cart from the bog.

Jamisen loved his apples that we picked right off the trees too.

3/4 of the happiest family in the world (hey, someone had the take the photo!)

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