Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Partnership Grows

Grandma and Grandpa Faiola have been up to visit a lot in the last month. We are so lucky that they are so charmed by their grandbabies (all of them! that includes you baby Alise and Samantha and Toby!). Here we are, exploring the docks. Jamisen was soooo curious about everything; "What's that for!?" with just about everything that we saw. 

Baby Lily is quite independent but still loves to be held. She goes back and forth between who the most favorite parent is but Grandma Faiola always has her heart. 

Mama Cheriss is amazing and is such a good Mother to baby Alise, who has no idea yet how lucky she was to be born into the Faiola clan. The rest of the family, especially her Daddy, is pretty dang fond of her too. 

The happiest, most blessed family in the world celebrates at Zuanich Park - and no, Cheriss cannot hold her own baby. If Aunty Anne-Marie is around, baby Alise has no chance of being in her parent's arms. 
Lily loves water of all types - and she's learning about gravity and how to throw (really, just a glorified dropping motion) into the water. 

But really, she is obsessed with the bath! She tries to tear her own clothes off (very ineffectively) just to get in. And if she hears the word 'bath', she runnnnnns to the bathtub to get in. 

She is the cutest, most happy little girl isn't she?

She's probably that way because she has the world's best big brother. Jamisen is growing more and more protective and patient by the day. Of course, he still has his moments - mostly around sharing - but they continue to grow closer and stronger as a big brother and  little sister team. It makes our hearts proud. 

Of course, we can't forget the other babies - Samantha and Toby - who Grandma and Grandpa Faiola still dote on, despite our other children actually speaking. It's okay baby Alise, Lily and Jamisen ... I'm sure you'll eventually do something that puts you way over the top on the admiration and attention list but for now, Sammy and Toby are still pretty darn cute. 

Can you see Jamisen in the above picture? Yeah, it's okay. We can't either. He's totally missing and definitely is not pretending to be a dog or a rainbow under the blanket. Lately, he's been licking Lily because he's so certain he's a dog. She, of course, loves it (not). 

When we got up this morning we found this. He said "I've been reading to her and teaching her to talk!" Again, there are moments of genius with this little partnership that make a Mama proud. 

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